
„Ghost Skull“

aus der Galerie von jfantasma-artistry
Über dieses Bild:

Memories that pass
Like the seasons come and go
How long will life last
No one knows
Glissading into death
On my fifth trip now
Gasping for another breath
While I slowly slip away
I see glimpses of my life
The small things
The big things  Struggling to survive  Positive that my mission  Is not fully complete  Geared up for the next round  I will not succumb to defeat  I have won four wars now  Only within myself  Flatlined four times  I'm beyond your help  Rebounding once again  This mission will get done  Still holding on to life  I will not be outdone  I am in it to win it  No matter the obstacles  When I keep my head in the game  Anything is possible

Bildnummer: a1e0d07
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