Interview with Anthony Zinonos

Anthony is “addicted to collecting paper and loves coffee and rollershoes”, it is said in the portfolio of Anthony Zinonos – whom we have invited today.

Within his collages made out of – of course! – paper and old photographs or newspaper cuttings you will most definitely find an ironic sense.

Where does he draw his inspiration from? And does he like chocolate?

Read on!

Why and when did you start making art?
It seems like I have always been making art in one form or another. When I was young I was always doodling the crazy idea that poped into my head, I guess I never stopped. I’ve just changed the medium I’m using.

What kind of art do you make?
Mostly minimal collage works. However, I do occasionaly dabble with a bit of photography, film and instillation.

Where do you draw your inspiration from?
From things around me, be it a image I find in an old book, a colour I see while walking the dog, a photograph that has an amazing composition, a film that makes my hair stand on end, a piece of music that excites me….. there is so much goodness around – you just have to take the time to stop and appreciate it.

What does your usual workday look like?
Get woken up by my dog licking my face around 8-9am, feed him, then take him for a walk. Check my emails and to do list then have some coffee and breakfast. I’m not really a morning person, so i tend to spend the morning answering emails, sorting out invoices, orders and going to the post office. I try to get all the boring stuff out the way before lunch, unless i have a deadline to meet. Stop around 2-3 to have lunch with my girlfriend, maybe take the dog for another walk or go for a coffee. Then back to work till about 7-8, then time to cook dinner and relax. Thats a pretty standard day – Wednesdays are more exciting, because I go to the car boot sale and buy loads of great old books and magazines.

How do you spend a perfect sunday?
Pancakes and coffee for breakfast, then a long walk in the sun with my lovely girlfriend and our dog, more coffee at our favorite coffee shop, then back home to cook some tasty food, hang out and maybe watch a film or some trashy american t.v. Just a nice and relaxing day to help clear the head and prepare for the coming week.

What is your favourite taste of chocolate?
This is a tricky one – I love all sorts of chocolate! Recently I had this really tasty bar of dark chocolate with chilli and lime, a great balance of flavour and kick. I’ve been eating a lot of Lion and Toffeecrisp bars, too, they are always good. I love “take 5 bars” but you can’t get them in the UK, they are an american wonder of prezel, caramel, peanut butter, chocolate and peanuts. Such an amazing combination, I really want one now!

Show me your favourite artwork (from your own collection or another artist)
I bought this old photograph (on the right) in athens a few years ago. It always makes me smile.

Whom should we interview next?
Anybody from the WAFA collective

If you could have coffee with a famous artist – dead or alive – whom would you choose?
Charles Bukowski would be a great coffee date, but he’d probably want something stronger than coffee, hahaha…

What is your philosophy of life?
Take one day at a time and try not to worry too much about the future, because every thing tends to fall into it’s right place.

Thank you, Anthony!