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I love German Shepherds. Family friendly, loyal, protective. And I love the challenge of this kind of art. I began by sketching the German Shepherd dog. Then I added a modicum of water color to get the colors figured out. Even though the colors are not realistic in the sense that dogs aren't purple and red, the colors still have to be selected in such a way that contour is present. The colors provide the shadowing, highlighting, depth, and contrast. Choice of colors is vital to this kind of painting. Next, I add the image to my digital program and intensify the colors. I also add any graffiti (like the stars on the left side of the dog's face) and again check the balance of colors so that I have a contrast that is appealing to me. Lastly, I add the white light - that sense of light splashing over all the colors. This provides even more contrast and makes the blues and brown significant is representing the shadow that the light brings. The result is abstract, modern, contemporary, and pop. . . not to mention, fun, fun, fun! What a bright and happy piece!! He looks just like Herr Heinrich, a beloved family dog of my past, a pet I trained to respond to my requests in German. Perhaps this is the ghost of Heinrich, come back to playfully nudge me when he wants to be scratched and petted. Of course, with such a plethora of color, this painting can be anybody's pet. This would be a perfect gift for any lover of German Shepherds.
- deutsche
- Hirte
- deutschland
- Hund
- Hunde
- Stufe
- Tiere
- funky
- Pop
- Kunst
- fine
- Bildersprache
- zeitgenössisch
- modern
- Hölle
- lebendige
- intensive
- bunt
- Farbenfroh
- surreal
- surrealismus
- Malerei
- neugierig
- niedlich
- haustier
- haustiere
- leinwand
- Graffiti
- Portrait
- Familie
- Eckzahn
- spleen
- whimsical
- Farben
- Arbeit
- arbeitenden
- welpe
- Welpen
- hündchen
- Art
- Kinder
- kinderfuß
- Junge
- Mädchen
- spass
- spielen
- verspielt
- Glücklich
- Liebe
- liebende
- Geliebten
- eloise
- elaine
- schneider
- Sammler
- Impressionist
- Expressionist
- online
- Galerie
- verrückt
- unikat
- verschiedene farben
- Kind
- Porträt
- fein
- segeltuch
- hell
- Tier
- einzigartig
- Spaß
- Schäfer
- Schritt
- arbeiten
- Liebhaber
- spielerisch
- liebend
- Job
- beschwingt
- Geliebte
- kollektor
- intensiv
- wunderlich
- irre
- metaphorik
- Hündchen
- Kinder-
- doggies