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- klassik art
- A.Duerer, Melancholie
„A.Duerer, Melancholie“
from the gallery of
klassik art
A.Duerer, Melancholie Duerer, Albrecht 1471-1528. Melancholie' (Melencolia), 1514. Kupferstich, 23,9 x 18,8 cm. Ausschnitt, links und unten be- schnitten.
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Related Tags:
- 1514
- 01.01.14
- 16. jahrhundert
- allegorie
- ausschnitt
- depression
- detail
- deutsche kunst
- druckgrafik
- druckgraphik
- duerer
- albrecht
- engel
- grafik
- graphik
- kupferstich
- kupferstiche
- langeweile
- leben
- magisches quadrat
- melancholie
- melancholisch
- psychologie
- quadrat
- magisches
- renaissance
- sanduhr
- stundenglas
- temperament
- temperamente
- waagschale
- zahl
- zeit
- ziffer
- zifferblatt
- ziffernblatt
- 16th century
- allegory
- angel
- boredom
- copper engraving
- disposition
- ennui
- german art
- graphic art
- graphic arts
- hour-glass
- hourglass
- life
- magic square
- melancholic
- melancholy
- numbers
- numerals
- psychology
- scale
- scale pan
- scales
- spanish art
- temperaments
- the blues
- time
- 16e siecle
- ange
- art allemand
- art espagnol
- arts graphiques
- balance
- cadran
- carre magique
- chiffre
- imprime
- mélancolie
- sablier
- vie
- square
- dial
- century
- graphic
- live
- neckline
- journey
- is
- balances
- shed
- dürer
- digits
- libra
- digit
- number
- choose
- cipher
- printmaking
- printing graphic
- copperplate
- copper prints
- art anglais
- predisposition
- pan
- magic