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- klassik art
- Berthe Morisot / Gem.v.E.Manet
„Berthe Morisot / Gem.v.E.Manet“
from the gallery of
klassik art
Berthe Morisot / Gem.v.E.Manet Morisot, Berthe franz. Malerin (1877 verehel. Eugene Manet, Modell des Malers Edouard Ma- net), Bourges -21534 - Paris 40604 1895. - Berthe Morisot a l'eventail'. - Gemaelde, 1872 von Edouard Manet (1832- 1883). Oel auf Leinwand, 60 x 45 cm. R.F. 1671 Paris, Musee d'Orsay.
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Related Tags:
- 1872
- 01.01.72
- 19. jahrhundert
- bekleidung
- bildnis
- damenmode
- faecher
- frankreich
- franzoesische kunst
- frau
- frauen
- gemaelde
- impressionismus
- kuenstlerin
- malerei
- malerin
- manet
- edouard
- eugene
- morisot
- berthe
- person
- portrait
- 19th century
- apparel
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- france
- french art
- impressionism
- ladies fashion
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- womens fashion
- womenswear
- 19e siecle
- art francais
- eventail
- femme
- femme artiste
- habillement
- impressionnisme
- mode feminine
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- mrs
- women
- dress
- painting
- artist
- painter
- mode female
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- woman fashion
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