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- klassik art
- The Reception / Gem.v.Tissot
„The Reception / Gem.v.Tissot“
from the gallery of
klassik art
The Reception / Gem.v.Tissot Feste / Baelle: - The Reception' (Der Empfang). - Gemaelde, um 1883/85, von James Tissot (1836-1903). Buffalo(N.Y.), Albright-Knox Art Gallery
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Related Tags:
- 1883
- 01.01.83
- 19. jahrhundert
- abendgesellschaft
- alter
- ballkleid
- damenmode
- ehepaar
- ehepaare
- empfaenge
- empfang
- faecher
- federfaecher
- feste
- franzoesische kunst
- frau
- frauen
- frauenleben
- gemaelde
- gesellschaftliches leben
- grossbuergertum
- gruenderzeit
- handschuh
- handschuhe
- junge frau
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- malerei
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- modisch
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- ungleiches
- paare
- rueschen
- salonmalerei
- schoenheit
- soirée
- tissot
- ungleiches paar
- 19th century
- baby-pink
- ball dress
- beauty
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- evening party
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- feather fan
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- french art
- glove
- ladies fashion
- light pink
- man
- married couple
- mismatched couple
- old
- old age
- pink
- ruffles
- salon painting
- societal life
- style
- uneven couple
- upper bourgeoisie
- woman
- womans life
- womens fashion
- womenswear
- young woman
- 19e siecle
- art francais
- bal
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- couple marie
- eventail
- femme
- fetes
- gant
- grande bourgeoisie
- homme
- jeune femme
- mode feminine
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- vie sociale
- vieillesse
- century
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- mrs
- stylish
- women
- receiving
- change
- gloves
- pairs
- ball gown
- painting
- firm
- gründerzeit
- live womans
- woman living
- life social
- mode female
- married couples
- unequal
- unequal couple
- subjects
- big bourgeoisie
- beautiful
- receptions
- woman fashion
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