Jozef Zidarov

Jozef Zidarov

Hello my name is Jozef Zidarov. Now i based in Bulgaria. I'm working as a professional photographer since 9 years and my job is mostly at musician, movie and comercial advertising photography. You can follow me with my facebook: jozefzidarov.

About > Activities

Jozef Zidarov is now following Andreas Beckmann

My name is Andreas Beckmann. You can call me Andy :D
I am a nineteen year old photography enthusiast. Most of my spare time I spend taking photos and editing them. I always try to enhance my photos. I'm not a fan of printing or publishing photos directly out of the camera.
I like travelling and discovering great places everywhere on our wonderful earth.
Photography is the best way to capture beautiful moments and keep them forever!

Enjoy my work!

Jozef Zidarov is now following Jutta Rund

"The whole is more than the sum of its parts."

Thank you all so much for the positive feedback and the friendly comments !!!
.............and please don't use the facebook "Like Button" !!!

Jozef Zidarov is now following Stefania Arca

I'm Stefania Arca. I'm going to get my degree in Architecture, on the contrary, visual arts and photography are one of my passions. I've taken pictures since I was a child but I've studied photography for two years by my own. I'm keen on macro, landscape, night and still life photos. I like jumping from different genres of photography and never give up. Lens' camera became my way to express to other people my feelings and thoughts. I'm not good with words!/pages/StefaniArca-Photography/226820737346045?sk=photos

Jozef Zidarov is now following daniela-ifrim

Life is short. Live your dream and wear your passion.

Daniel Soriano Correa - Photographer - Santiago de Chile.

Jozef Zidarov is now following Norbert Hergl

Mygall -
Facebook -
Zoonar -
Artflake -

In this life I shall not be more true to a fixed style. Experimenting with different styles is just too much fun.

Ich hoffe, ich kann unseren grauen Alltag etwas in Farbe versetzen.

Irgendwann kommt in jedem Leben eines Künstlers der Moment, in dem er sich entscheiden muss: Möchte ich Kunst machen oder möchte ich Geld verdienen?
Möchte ich ein guter Künstler und ein schlechter Verkäufer sein, oder möchte ich ein guter Verkäufer und ein schlechter Künstler sein?
Die Alternative 50 % Künstler und 50 % Verkäufer würde lediglich einen halben Künstler bedeuten.


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mail |

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Jozef Zidarov is now following Michael Saathoff

Hi, ich komme aus den Ostfriesischen Aurich und Fotografiere seit ein paar Jahren. Mich interessieren alte Marode und Ungewöhnliche Motive.

Jozef Zidarov is now following Yuliya Akhmedova

I didn't get my camera when I was a little kid.
I don't have a degree in photography, and I didnt grow up with a photographer who influenced my style and encouraged me to pursue this career.
I'm not a technical person as well but I do what I love and I love what I do ... which is taking photos!

'To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place... I've found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them'.
Elliott Erwitt

Jozef Zidarov likes new pictures
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Jozef Zidarov is now following sommerfrische


und einen wunderschönen Tag,
hier auf meiner SOMMERFRISCHE.

Schöne Fotos sagen mehr aus als nur Worte,
denn gute Bilder sprechen unsere Gefühle an
und erzählen uns Geschichten,
die in uns haften bleiben.

and a wonderful time at Sommerfrische.

Beautiful photos express more than words,
beautiful pictures attract our feelings.

They tell us stories which rest forever.

Jozef Zidarov is now following Plamen Petkov
Jozef Zidarov is now following Michael Beilicke

K a l e n d e r - 2 0 1 2 von mir gibt es bei mygall zu sehen

siehe unter:

Hej, meine Name ist Michael Beilicke.

Mit der Liebe zum Norden, dem Meer und der Natur hat alles mit der Reisefotografie bei mir angefangen. Im Laufe der Zeit habe ich dann gelegentlich mit Bildbearbeitungsprogrammen experimentiert und einige Bilder digital nachbearbeitet. Das Bildmaterial, das ich als Grundlage für die digitalen Bilder verwende, ist ausnahmslos von mir, ich verwende keine Stockfotos.

Neben der Fotografie bin ich durch meine Tätigkeiten, auch im künstlerischem Sinne, stark mit dem Elementen ‘Eisen und Stahl‘ verbunden. Die Faszination zu diesem Werkstoff findet sich auch in meinen Bildern wieder.

Die Bilder die ich hier auf meiner Galerieseite zeige, sind in Niedersachsen, Hamburg, Schleswig Holstein oder in Skandinavien entstanden. Ich freue mich wenn Dir die Bilder gefallen und wünsche Dir viel Spass beim Herumstöbern in meiner Galerie.

So gebe ich einen an mich gerichteten Gruß, mit den Worten weiter:

‘Ein gutes Leitlicht auf all Deinen Wegen, immer eine Handbreit Wasser unter dem Kiel, ausreichend Wind in den Segeln, eine gute Fahrt ohne Piraten-Begegnung und stets einen sicheren Hafen‘.

Tschüss, Dein Michl

Siehe auch unter:

Copyright aller Bilder von Michael Beilicke.

Alle Rechte sind vorbehalten. Das Verändern, Kopieren, oder das Abspeichern meiner Bilder ist ohne schriftliches Einverständnis meinerseits strikt verboten.

Hello, my name is Michael Beilicke!

It all started with the love for the north, the sea and the nature. Photographs taken on trips were the beginning of my work. In the course of time I occasionally experimented with image editing software and revised some of my photographs digitally. The material I’m using as a basis for the digital pictures is without exception my own. I do not use stock photos. I’m strongly tied to ‘iron and steel’ not only by photography but also through my profession, artistically. The fascination for this material is also reflected in my pictures.

The pictures which are displayed in the gallery, came into being in the German states Lower Saxony, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and in Scandinavia. I hope you enjoy my pictures and have a great time when taking a look around.

Therefore I pass on a regard originally addressed at myself with the following words:

”May there always be a good guiding light on all of your journeys, water under the keel, enough wind for the sails, a safe trip without any pirates on your way and a safe haven.”

Goodbye, Yours Michl

See also:

Copyright of all images by Michael Beilicke.

All rights reserved. The modification, copying, or storing of my images without written permission is strictly prohibited on my part.

Jozef Zidarov is now following ... teddynash ...

Image Composer and Photographer !

Jozef Zidarov is now following Lia Termatzidou
Lia Termatzidou was born in Berlin in 1988. She studied Byzantine Iconography and has graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts and Art Sciences, specializing in Visual Arts. She divides her artistic expression between different mediums: Painting, photography, video and graphics. She participates in several group exhibitions and organizes artistic workshops in collaboration with other artists. Her subjects, mostly anthropocentric, explore the transforming power of the face - and by extension of individuality, and its association with social adaptability. She lives and works in Greece.

Jozef Zidarov is now following Alyce DeBlase

I love art. If I could I would lock myself in my room with a years worth of art supplies and just make a mastor piece after mastor piece. I'm a slight perfectionist so sometimes my work my take quite a long time to get on here.

Jozef Zidarov is now following inaart

{ visual artist, semiprofessional photographer and digital artist }

wandering between the worlds
germany ~ riva/tr, italy

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