Peter Tomsu

Peter Tomsu

Change is the only constant in life.

I am a passionate photographer as long as I can remember. I spent and still spend a great deal of my photographic life in many parts of the world, always trying to find new, interesting views and unexplored locations.

My artistic goal is to generate inspiring images of our planet and our life which raise common awareness of all this beauty, in order to help preserve it for future generations.

Over the recent years I devoted my photographic work to fine art photography with special focus on landscape, nature and wildlife. This passion and joy you will find in my fine art images and I really hope you will like it!

Peter Tomsu

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Peter Tomsu is now following elfriede zitas

im goldenen oktober des jahres 1952 wurde ich in der schönen eifel geboren,und bin meiner heimat treu geblieben,
bin die älteste von ingesamt sieben kindern ,was nicht immer leicht war aber trotzdem sehr schön,
selbst habe ich 2 mädchen auf die ich sehr stolz bin,
bin geschieden und leider schon rentnerin,
habe schon immer schöne bilder geliebt und mag farben,
ich mache bilder in und von der natur ,tiere im wasser in der luft und auf der erde ,meine große liebe sind sonnenuntergänge
hoffe ihr findet etwas was euch gefällt
mit lieben grüßen

Peter Tomsu is now following Torsten Haußner

Ich habe immer mal ein paar Ideen.....

Peter Tomsu is now following Barbara St. Jean


Barbara St. Jean was a Financial Counsellor who achieved high awards in the area of Ethical Funds investing. Before entering the world of finance she worked as a Theater Dancer and Choreographer before opening her own dance studio. After leaving the investment industry in 2001 she became a Senior Editor and Art Director for a National Magazine and soon she decided to turn her attention to her own artistic endeavors by concentrating on her visual arts talents. She comes from a long line of artists well known around the world, one of which was Hans Bohme of Rothenberg. Barbara is a Sculptor, Painter, Photographer, writer, and visionary. Most recently she has opened her own Gallery and Gift Shop in Grand Forks, BC where she resides.
Saint Jean Art Gallery and Gift Shop
5695 Cooper Rd – Grand Forks, BC, V0H 1H4 – – 250 442 2950

Peter Tomsu is now following non-white
non-white ist ein motiviertes und aufstrebendes Label aus Berlin mit verschiedenen Projekten aus den unterschiedlichsten Blickwinkeln, was sich neben der Tier- und Naturfotografie auch auf die art&style-outdoor photography für TFP-Models sowie model-sedcards spezialisiert hat.

Peter Tomsu is now following florin

That's why. Anything can be art. In part, it is already. I just try to see that and bring to the fore.

Whether I paint or photograph, it is important to me, to put myself into it and to be able to tell. On a particular topic or technique could decide me not yet. But I am mainly concerned to a perspectively constructivism. At the same time, I just search to extend my performance of shape and light.

I set myself no targets, because I know that the possibilities of presentation are infinite. I would like to fly over and to understand as much as possible.

I was born in 1960. In my early years, I have painted frescos in the Moldavian churches. After my engineering degree, I had more to do with graphic and design. Based in Munich.

I'm also here:

Peter Tomsu has uploaded Alerted

cheetah looking alerted, maasai mara, kenya

Peter Tomsu has uploaded Another Baby

hyaena with baby, maasai mara, kenya

Peter Tomsu has uploaded Any Danger

antelopes looking out for any danger, maasai mara, kenya

Peter Tomsu has uploaded Before Dinner

young elephant with mother in evening light on green grass, maasai mara, kenya

Peter Tomsu has uploaded Can You See

cheetah parents watching out carefully in high brown grass, maasai mara, kenya

Peter Tomsu has uploaded Cheetah

cheetah laying on brown earth, maasai mara, kenya

Peter Tomsu has uploaded Close Enough

hippo in water watching with expression "close enough", maasai mara, kenya

Peter Tomsu has uploaded Crowded

antelopes in high light brown grass watching, maasai mara, kenya

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