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„Icarus II: Flight“

from the gallery of Sybille Sterk

© Sybille Sterk
Do not copy or publish this in any way, shape or form without my written permission.

This is a series of three.
I have a thing about feathers and flying. I am terrified of heights and suffer from vertigo, so I have always felt jealous of birds who have wings and hollow bones that allow them to fly so they never have to fear falling, or rather smashing into the ground. There is such an amazing beauty in watching a bird in flight. Such freedom and happiness.

The second of the three images is about the gift of flight, being there and feeling the air holding you up.

All three images are edited photographs of feathers. I removed the colour and reduced them to a strong contrast black and white image, then overlaid them with a texture to remove even more of the original photograph before I added subtle colour back into the images. I wanted to create the feeling of Dürer's engravings.

All other images and textures my own or bought. Edited with Photoshop.

Picture ID: 4fc5143
Frank Siegling liked this artwork 2013-08-10 14:50:54 UTC
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