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„Old watering can with flowers by stone wall“

from the gallery of Martin Davey

This painting was done in oils on a canvas board measuring 10” x 12”. It is based on a small photograph taken outside an old farm building, of the watering can sitting on a piece of wood against a stone wall. I have no idea what plant/ flowers are contained in the can. I enjoyed painting the bent and tarnished metal surface of the can, with the hints of rust appearing. The spout is no longer connected to the strengthening base either.
The painting was done quickly in a few hours, painting in oils on a red acrylic base.

Picture ID: 4667c85
claudias-art liked this artwork 2013-12-04 16:00:03 UTC
Uwe Karmrodt liked this artwork 2013-11-30 16:03:10 UTC
Susanna Badau liked this artwork 2013-11-29 17:23:24 UTC
Frank Siegling liked this artwork 2013-11-28 21:19:07 UTC
Rena Rady liked this artwork 2013-11-28 21:02:05 UTC
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