Alessa Spanel

Alessa Spanel

Kunstliebhaberin und Hobbymalerin, die gerne ihre Liebe zur Kunst mit anderen teilt. <3

About > Activities

Wunderschöner Strandabschnitt in Grado.

Alessa Spanel has uploaded Palmen

Fotografie: Palmen, welche sich sanft im Wind wiegen.

Alessa Spanel has uploaded Sakralbau 2

Sakrales Monument von innen

Alessa Spanel has uploaded Sakralbau

Sakrales Monument von innen

Alessa Spanel has uploaded Horizont

Fotografie: Horizont über dem Meer

Alessa Spanel is now following Niyazi Genca


I am a photogpraher in Cappadocia. My lens has become a portal through which I explore the world, capturing moments that tell stories and freeze emotions in time.

One of the most fulfilling aspects of my photographic journey is the opportunity to travel and connect with people from all over of the world. My lens is not just a tool but a storyteller, capturing the essence of diverse cultures and human connections.

Alessa Spanel has uploaded Horizont

Fotografie: Der Horizont über dem Meer

Fotografie: Don ́t walk, walk ...

Fotografie: Don ́t walk, walk ....

Alessa Spanel is now following Eva Stadler

I am a writer and print designer, I love typography, and I adore surprising photography.

Alessa Spanel is now following Melissa Salter

MyVisualCreation is inspired by artists who seek more of everyday life by way of creative freedom and internal vision. MyVisualCreation's philosophy is also to inspire others to channel ideas through creative power of imagination and translate their message through photography. It is connecting the gap between artists and media. At MyVisualCreation, we strive to differentiate ourselves through the creative process that allows for true expression to materialize. Melissa Salter is a graduate from Brooks Institute of Photography.

Alessa Spanel is now following kata

Hi! My name is Kotryna, aka KATA. I am developing my small illustration business KATA KIOSK and you can see how it goes at , also you can take a look to my professional portfolio at, or blog at

I'm looking for a Representative for editorial commissions for British/European/North America market and you can contact me at katrez (@)

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