Benjamin Hiller

Benjamin Hiller

Benjamin Hiller is a young photographer from Berlin/Germany. His main focus is on Fine Art, Travel & Culture as well as People/Portrait.

He has worked for international Magazines, German newspapers as well as international companies in the above mentioned topics. For that he as traveled e.g. the USA, South Korea, Turkey, the whole of the EU etc.


Benjamin Hiller ist ein junger Fotograf aus Berlin, spezialisiert auf Fine Art, Travel & Culture sowie People/Portrait.

Er hat für internationale Magazine, deutsche Tageszeitungen wie auch für internationale Firmen in den oben genannten Bereichen gearbeitet, u.a. dabei in den USA, Südkorea, Türkei, der gesamten EU etc.

About > Activities

A boy poses next to a fire at the Kurdish Newroz in Hasankeyf/Southeast Turkey in 2011. Newroz is the new years festivity of the Kurdish People and its origin is estimated to be several thousands years old. The Kurdish people are the biggest ethnic group in the world without an own country, as 40 million Kurdish people live in Turkey, Syria, Iran and Iraq.

Kurdish Newroz in Hasankeyf/Southeast Turkey in 2011. Newroz is the new years festivity of the Kurdish People and its origin is estimated to be several thousands years old. The Kurdish people are the biggest ethnic group in the world without an own country, as 40 million Kurdish people live in Turkey, Syria, Iran and Iraq.

A Kurdish woman at Newroz in Diyarbakir/Southeast Turkey in 2011. Newroz is the new years festivity of the Kurdish People and its origin is estimated to be several thousands years old. The Kurdish people are the biggest ethnic group in the world without an own country, as 40 million Kurdish people live in Turkey, Syria, Iran and Iraq.

Kurdish Newroz in Diyarbakir/Southeast Turkey in 2011. Newroz is the new years festivity of the Kurdish People and its origin is estimated to be several thousands years old. The Kurdish people are the biggest ethnic group in the world without an own country, as 40 million Kurdish people live in Turkey, Syria, Iran and Iraq.

A priestess performs a shamanic ritual in the harbor city of Inchon/South Korea. Shamanism is still wide spread in South Korea.

Each year parts of the city of Berlin/Germany are illuminated from different artists. On this photo you can see the illuminated Brandenburger Tor as well as the American Embassy in the background.

An mule tied to an tree in the Old City of Mardin in Southeast Turkey. Mules are used for transport as well as to give visitors a ride.

The Woodstock Open Air in Poland is the biggest free Open Air Music Festival in Europe. More than 400.000 people gather here for Music and Party.

A typical Orchid inside the Grand Canyon/Arizona in the Southwest of the USA.

Sunrise at the Southern Rim at the Grand Canyon in Arizona/USA.

Eine Momentaufnahme in den Straßen von Chinatown in San Francisco/USA.

In Chinatown von San Francisco bin ich über einen Banksy "gestolpert". Auch hier hat der berühmte Street Artist seine Spuren hinterlassen - und das noch in der Straße "Commerical"..

Die Aufnahme entstand im Richmond District von San Francisco/California. Im Hintergrund ist eine russisch-orthodoxe Kirche zu sehen.

Ein Foto der großen Salzwüste in Utah/Südwest-USA. Die Salzwüste wurde besonders durch Hochgeschwindigkeitstests für Autos sowie durch den Film "Pirates of the Caribbean - Am Ende der Welt" bekannt.

Eine neu gebaute Tankstelle in Utah/USA. Die Tankstelle musste Aufgrund eines in der Nähe neu gebauten US-Militärstützpunktes direkt nach ihrer Fertigstellung wieder geschlossen werden.

Die Stadt Mardin ist eine der ältesten Siedlungsgebiete im Nahen Osten und liegt im Südosten der Türkei, in der Nähe zur syrischen Grenze. In ihrer Geschichte wurde die Stadt von den Aramäern, Hurritern, Hethitern, Assyrern, Babyloniern, Amoritern, Persern, Römern, Arabern und Seldschuken beherrscht. Im Vordergrund ist die Kas?miye-Medrese aus dem Jahre 1469 zu sehen. Im Hintergrund das fruchtbare syrische Tiefland.

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