Bernat Garcia Oller

Bernat Garcia Oller

What a pity! If you can see this text, it means that Bernat Garcia Oller has not given any information about themselves yet. We hope that this will change very soon!

About > Activities

For more information, visit my website and see "sobre" (about): .

Bernat Garcia Oller is now following Sybin Q

Curator for contemporary art, fascinated by images.

Realistische Gemälde mit Ausstrahlung, das ist meine Arbeit. Alle Bilder entstehen aus der Fantasie und sollen mit dem Betrachter einen Dialog eingehen, sie sollen "lesbar" sein und Freude machen.

Bernat Garcia Oller is now following Dans Ak
Bernat Garcia Oller is now following Hamza Al

Photography is more than a hobby it's a lifestyle. Once you pick a camera and look through the viewfinder you're always looking to find a shot or composition even if you don't have the camera physically in front of your face.

I am interested in Fine Art, Alternative, Fashion, Fetish, Glamour and Gothic lines of photo shoots - both in studio and outdoors. Looking for models to work with from scratch to build their portfolio and established models that want to try something new for TFP and FOCD work.

I am an experimenter with ideas and techniques and would like a regular model to work with on some fetish and fine art nude ideas and lighting techniques.

Bernat Garcia Oller is now following Dieci Rosso

Born 1969 in Germany.
Started drawing regularly in 1976 and Photography in 1987.
Graduated as Art-Therapist in 1997.
Main interest in arts: Surealism, Hyperrealism, Nude-Painting, social and psychologic themes.

Casiegraphics is an Illustrator living in Berlin
Please Visit:

She is also co-founder of the Dream Up Collective

Brandon Friend was born in Flushing, NY on April 20, 1980. He attended The University of Maryland College Park in 1998 where he studied in the Honors Art Program and received a BA degree in Fine Art. In 2002, Friend began his professional career with two solo exhibitions in Washington, D.C and Baltimore, MD. In 2008, he received his MFA degree in Fine Art from CUNY Queens College and currently works in his Long Island City studio. Friend’s works have been exhibited in galleries throughout the United States, including Seattle, WA; Kansas City, MO; New Orleans, LA; Austin, TX; Short Hills, NJ; New York, New York. In 2011 and 2012 his works were showcased with Lambert Arts in Fountain Art Fair, NY and Fountain Art Fair, Miami. He has been featured in several print and online publications such as The Washington Post, The Knight News, Working Class Magazine, The Daily Record, The Pitch Kansas City, Radar,,,,, and

Bryony Marie Fry is an Artist and a Musician born in 1988 in the U.K. She mainly produces unique multi-media pop art depicting images of Musicians. She also cover's many other subjects including nature, vintage fashion and digital artworks.

Image Composer and Photographer !

cat falling, hovering in nothingness.

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In this life I shall not be more true to a fixed style. Experimenting with different styles is just too much fun.

Ich hoffe, ich kann unseren grauen Alltag etwas in Farbe versetzen.

Irgendwann kommt in jedem Leben eines Künstlers der Moment, in dem er sich entscheiden muss: Möchte ich Kunst machen oder möchte ich Geld verdienen?
Möchte ich ein guter Künstler und ein schlechter Verkäufer sein, oder möchte ich ein guter Verkäufer und ein schlechter Künstler sein?
Die Alternative 50 % Künstler und 50 % Verkäufer würde lediglich einen halben Künstler bedeuten.

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