Emmy Lou Virginia

Emmy Lou Virginia

I am a self-taught photographer. For me, photography is a way of remembering beauty.

Sometimes, I imagine that my eyes are a camera. The couple carrying shopping bags blurs out of focus, and the discarded shoelaces straggling across the sidewalk become black and white, and the girl’s hair is moving in slow motion to the wandering wind, and I feel the need to save this, this loveliness that only I can see.

It’s in the hat that blows off the hair of the woman in the green jacket. It’s in the leaf that winds its way down through the sky, twirling like the ballerina in my musicbox, and the fact that only I stopped to watch it land on the park bench. It's in a little child's hands folded tightly as he prays to God.

It's in the details.

All works by Emmy Lou Virginia

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