Hainz Bretz

Hainz Bretz

Maler, Zeichner und Fotograf , mit dem Blick für den besonderen Moment.

About > Activities

Hainz Bretz is now following kata

Hi! My name is Kotryna, aka KATA. I am developing my small illustration business KATA KIOSK and you can see how it goes at www.katakiosk.lt , also you can take a look to my professional portfolio at www.kata-illustration.com, or blog at www.kata-illustration.blogspot.com

I'm looking for a Representative for editorial commissions for British/European/North America market and you can contact me at katrez (@) gmail.com

Hainz Bretz is now following Marc & Nell Jones

"aufwändig, ästhetisch, begeisternd, chic, divers, effektiv, fabelhaft, glamourös, heiter, individuell, jugendlich, konstruktiv, lasziv, metaphysisch, nellig, opulent, ökonomisch, prägnant, qualitätsvoll, rasant, sophisticated, toll, unvermittelt, überlegt, verheißungsvoll, wunderschön, xerophil, yummy, zyklisch"

( Robert Komarek über marc-jones-photos )

"Quellen der Inspiration sind für den Fotografen Marc Jones Situationen, Gegenstände, Erlebnisse und Musikstücke. Was dabei herauskommt? Neben People-, Fashion- und Businessfotografie auch eine etwas andere erotische Darstellung menschlicher Körper."

(MAX Das Magazin für Popkultur und Style über Marc Jones)

Hainz Bretz is now following Douglas Graham

Douglas Graham is a career newspaper photographer since 1982, he has been in the middle of some of the most important news stories of the past two decades. Graham has been chased by a crackhead trying to steal his cameras, slammed into by a bank robber during a high-speed chase, tear-gassed, pepper-sprayed, spit on by protesters, arrested and shook the hand of the President in the Oval Office while winning many national and international photography awards along the way. This body of work, however, says more about who Graham is than any one of the thousands of news images he has captured. Being outdoors and close to nature takes him back to his youth, where he grew up on the coast of Virginia with a family that spent every possible moment outside. There he learned to hunt, fish and love the natural world.
Wild Light Photos is a labor of love. We hope you enjoy the photos as much as we did making them.

Hainz Bretz is now following Douglas Graham

Douglas Graham is a career newspaper photographer since 1982, he has been in the middle of some of the most important news stories of the past two decades. Graham has been chased by a crackhead trying to steal his cameras, slammed into by a bank robber during a high-speed chase, tear-gassed, pepper-sprayed, spit on by protesters, arrested and shook the hand of the President in the Oval Office while winning many national and international photography awards along the way. This body of work, however, says more about who Graham is than any one of the thousands of news images he has captured. Being outdoors and close to nature takes him back to his youth, where he grew up on the coast of Virginia with a family that spent every possible moment outside. There he learned to hunt, fish and love the natural world.
Wild Light Photos is a labor of love. We hope you enjoy the photos as much as we did making them.

Hainz Bretz is now following Niyazi GENCA

Hello. My name is Niyazi. I live and work in Istanbul. I started as a hobby became a little more serious when started a photoblog one years ago.

I try to take different subject, as often as I can and these will usually be captured in Istanbul. Istanbul is an old old city, you can see the remains of many ancient civilizations and their culture in harmony with Turkish culture. The old versus the new, the traditional versus the modern is a conflict a visitor often observes.

Hainz Bretz is now following Niyazi GENCA

Hello. My name is Niyazi. I live and work in Istanbul. I started as a hobby became a little more serious when started a photoblog one years ago.

I try to take different subject, as often as I can and these will usually be captured in Istanbul. Istanbul is an old old city, you can see the remains of many ancient civilizations and their culture in harmony with Turkish culture. The old versus the new, the traditional versus the modern is a conflict a visitor often observes.

Hainz Bretz is now following Niklas Bolle

Founder & CEO of ARTFLAKES. Likes awesome photography.

Hainz Bretz is now following Jeanette Dobrindt
Hainz Bretz is now following Melissa Salter

MyVisualCreation is inspired by artists who seek more of everyday life by way of creative freedom and internal vision. MyVisualCreation's philosophy is also to inspire others to channel ideas through creative power of imagination and translate their message through photography. It is connecting the gap between artists and media. At MyVisualCreation, we strive to differentiate ourselves through the creative process that allows for true expression to materialize. Melissa Salter is a graduate from Brooks Institute of Photography.

Hainz Bretz has uploaded Lächeln

Ein Lächeln, gezeichnet, der besondere Lichtaufbau gibt dem Lächeln etwas Besonderes, magisches. Man fragt sich, was könnte das sein, was zu diesem betörenden Lächeln geführt hat.

Hainz Bretz has uploaded Gemeinsam

Alte Weide, die in ihrem langen Wachstumszyklus bereits viel mitgemacht hat: sie wurde gespalten und zu zwei miteinander verbundenen Bäumen. Gemeinsam wuchsen sie heran und geben vor der rauhen Natur ein starkes Bild von Verbundenheit ab. Ein wunderbarer Ort, vor dieser Weide zu verweilen und zu träumen.

Hainz Bretz has uploaded Kälte

Der erste starke Frost im Jahr. Das Grün versucht noch zu bestehen, der Frost breitet sich eisig aus. Dabei entstehen wunderschöne kristalline Eisstrukturen und betonen besonders die Konturen der Pflanzen.

Hainz Bretz has uploaded Der Blick

Ein düsterer schwarzer Augen-Blick, er mustert den Betrachter ganz genau, ein entschlossener Blick.

Hainz Bretz has uploaded Hoffnung

Hochstrebende Bäume, älter, jedoch mit jungen Trieben, stark perspektivisch

Hainz Bretz has uploaded Landung

Ein Rabe im Anflug bei der Landung

Am Morgen, Frühstückskaffee auf dem Tisch. Die Sonne geht auf.

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