John Hayler

John Hayler

Freelance graphic designer, illustrator and screen printer from the United Kingdom. Have worked with various bands and record labels.

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John Hayler is now following Astrid Bartels

(Digital-)Künstlerin/Digital ARTist aus Braunschweig/Germany

"Die Möglichkeiten, Kreativität auszuleben sind grenzenlos.
Es wäre schade, sich nicht hinauszuwagen und zu probieren, was geht." (AB)

„There are infinite opportunities to live out creativity. It would be a shame if I didn't give everything a try.”

John Hayler is now following mimulux

I am a digital and traditional artist.. photographer and illustrator.

John Hayler is now following Tom Gomez

A photographer from Scotland, my photographic collection is varied, but mostly landscapes, seascapes, streetscapes, castles, churches, buildings and bridges. I hope you enjoy my work, thank you for taking the time to visit.

John Hayler is now following Ivonne Wentzler
John Hayler is now following Maria Inhoven

Mein großes Interesse gilt der Natur. In meinen Bildern versuche ich, mit fröhlichen Farben,ihre Schönheit einzufangen.
Meine Bilder finden Sie auch unter: Kalender 2013

Inspired from the novel by Ernest Hemmingway

This light will never go out.

This light will never go out.

John Hayler has uploaded No Vacancy

Who'd want to stay in a haunted hotel anyway?

John Hayler has uploaded Into The Wild

A Lion, a deer, a wolf, a fox and an owl hanging out together.

John Hayler has uploaded Oh, Winter

Some of the elements of winter.

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