Irena Scholz

Irena Scholz

Seit frühester Jugend galt meine Neigung,besonders der
Meine Bilder zeigen Tiefe und Aussagekraft,sie entstehen aus realistischen Motiven,wie Blumen,Landschaften,Tiere und abstrakte Darstellungen.
Mein Stil ist eine Komposition aus verschiedenen Techniken
und vielfältigen Variationen.
Um Techniken immer weiter zu entwicklen,absolvierte ich ein Privatstudium bei der russischen Diplom Designerin und Dozentin Olga Kaesling-Koschkina.
Meine Bilder befinden sich in verschiedenen Privatsammlungen in Deutschland,Griechenland und Spanien.

About > Activities

Irena Scholz is now following Wolfgang Kaehler

WOLFGANG KAEHLER has photographed around the world for prestigious magazines and travel companies since 1977. He has traveled to Antarctica over twenty-five times. In 1985 he was awarded First Prize in the Composition & Form category of the "WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR" competition, sponsored by BBC WILDLIFE and the MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY in London. His winning photo, "Penguins on Ice", was one of 8,500 worldwide entries. In 1988 he was selected by National Geographic as one of 100 photographers for a worldwide exhibit and book "ODYSSEY-THE ART OF PHOTOGRAPHY AT NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC". In September of 1989 his book, "PENGUINS", was published by Chronicle Books in San Francisco, in August 2005 his book “Charles Darwin’s The Voyage of the Beagle” was published by Barnes & Nobel. His photos have been published in books and magazines around the world. June 2011: Wolfgang got his first "Coffee Table eBook app" published. Please check it out:

If you like to travel with Wolfgang, please visit:

For more information please visit

Irena Scholz left a comment on the picture BALLERINA
”Eine wunderschöne Arbeit,gefällt mir sehr gut.
LG Irena“
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Irena Scholz left a comment on the picture PURPLE DREAM
”Ein wunderschönes Stillleben.
LG Irena“
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Irena Scholz left a comment on the picture ohne Titel
”Hallo Michaela,
schöne Farbgebung,mag ich sehr.
LG Irena“
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Irena Scholz left a comment on the picture Guebrou
”Ein wunderschönes Bild.
Liebe Grüße Irena“
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Irena Scholz has uploaded Callas

Malerei in Öl,Callas,Blumen, Stillleben,

Irena Scholz has uploaded Rotation

Abstrakte Malerei,Bewegung,Rotation,Weltall,Fantasy

Irena Scholz has uploaded Aufprall 2

Weltraum.Fantasie,abstrakte Malerei,

Irena Scholz has uploaded Knut



Irena Scholz has uploaded ALHAMBRA


Irena Scholz has uploaded Tukan



Irena Scholz has uploaded Tsunami

abstrakte malerei,Tsunami, Bewegung


Irena Scholz has uploaded Schleiertanz

Bauchtänzerin Orient,Acrylmalerei,Orient, Schleiertanz,Tanz,Tänzerin,

ToskanaMalerei, Acryl, Blumen,Landschaftsmalerei, Mohnblüten,Italien,Zypressen,Hügellandschaft,Sträucher

Irena Scholz has uploaded Soldatenaras


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