Malina Hickl

Malina Hickl

I love to capture moments and play with words. So I bought a camera, took pictures and gave them funny names or descriptions. Thats what I do - until its not fun anymore.

About > Activities

falling down, with all its might and power, destroying beauty

Malina Kaplan has uploaded wildlife

river flowing, ignoring every stone in his way

step by step - stairway to wherever you want the way to lead you

a river, fightin himself trough nature

Malina Kaplan has uploaded green lake

a lake like a mirror, green like a smaragd, clear like a diamond

mysterious, green, water - a place where Michael Ende would place on of his storys.

In der Natur da ist es kuschelig und fein.

ein Blick in die Ferne, ein Blick nach vorn und doch zurück.

Malina Kaplan has uploaded the cows TV

do you have netflix?

Malina Kaplan has uploaded deep valley

So nah und doch so fern, ein Streifen zieht sich durchs unerbittliche Gebirge.

Malina Kaplan has uploaded Lake Mirror

Gott sei Dank war er da der Wind. Wo wäre sonst oben und wo unten?

Am einsamsten Weg trifft man einen Weggefährten.

Von der Sonne geküsst verabschiedet sich der Tag.

Malina Kaplan has uploaded The fog

fast schon gruselig, wie der Nebel langsam aufzieht und alles zu verschlingen droht

Malina Kaplan has uploaded a long way

der Weg durch den Herbst

Ein verlorener Handschuh, ein kindischer Kopf

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