Rosie Jackson

Rosie Jackson

Rosie Jackson, living in France
Artist, writer, composer:
Seminars to develop spiritual growth:
Telepathic messages from the angel Seraphin
Using all possible methods to uplift the vibrations of our planet







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40 x 120 cm, acrylics on canvas, Rosie Jackson 2024
This painting depicts a peaceful space of idyllic beauty and high frequency in the middle of nature which is ideal for healing from past trauma. A man relaxes in the central pool which is saturated by divine light. The river is also a cleansing agent. A woman is in meditation and a man is in prayer: both feel their deep connection to their divine inner selves. The painting is populated by birds which symbolise ease of movement and freedom. The flowers and trees have healing properties or symbolic significance. The many spirals stand for transformation. The sky contains spaceships containing galactic observers who have healing technology to which we will later have access. The Christed Cross and the Trinity symbol remind us that we are on a spiritual journey. The harp and the gong are symbols of sound and music which are powerful spiritual tools. The candles and lanterns symbolise the light of hope and the radiance we are aiming to become.

Crane – symbol of wisdom, insight, beauty, harmony and positive change

Eagle – symbol of courage, honour and determination

Hoopoe – sacred bird in ancient Egypt, symbol of virtue in Persia

Koi fish – symbol of strength, courage, patience, and success through perseverance

Rose – symbol of healing and balancing heart and mind
Passionflower – symbol of calm and well-being
Gingko tree – symbol of resilience, healing, longevity, peace, hope, and vitality
Olive tree – symbol of peace, reconciliation, cleansing and healing

This poster includes 20 quotations from THE COMPLETE SERAPHIN MESSAGES. Each quotation has been set against a background of artwork or photography by Rosie Jackson.

Imagine talking to a person of great wisdom who always listens, always offers impeccable advice, always exercises compassion and always explains everything with ultimate patience. Seraphin is a loving celestial being, chanelled by Rosie Jackson, who is very familiar with the current situation on earth. He takes us by the hand and shows us the way back to our own inner truth, furthering our soul growth.

This poster includes 35 quotations from THE COMPLETE SERAPHIN MESSAGES. Each quotation has been set against a background of artwork or photography by Rosie Jackson.

Imagine talking to a person of great wisdom who always listens, always offers impeccable advice, always exercises compassion and always explains everything with ultimate patience. Seraphin is a loving celestial being, chanelled by Rosie Jackson, who is very familiar with the current situation on earth. He takes us by the hand and shows us the way back to our own inner truth, furthering our soul growth.

This poster includes 35 quotations from THE COMPLETE SERAPHIN MESSAGES. Each quotation has been set against a background of artwork or photography by Rosie Jackson.

Imagine talking to a person of great wisdom who always listens, always offers impeccable advice, always exercises compassion and always explains everything with ultimate patience. Seraphin is a loving celestial being, chanelled by Rosie Jackson, who is very familiar with the current situation on earth. He takes us by the hand and shows us the way back to our own inner truth, furthering our soul growth.

100 x 80 cm, acrylics on canvas, Rosie Jackson 2023

This painting shows the castle of Castelnou in southern France. Dreams are rising from the castle to the universe above. These dreams or visions were provided by visitors to the castle while Rosie Jackson worked on the painting. This event was part of the art event PINTURA 2023.


Lemon tree and blue bird: a message of appreciation of natural beauty
Suns: messages of light and renewal
Cherries formed like hearts: a message of compassion
Music and a mouth organ: a desire to fill the air with music
Football and tennis racket: a desire to play while enjoying the company of others
Leopards, a tiger and an owl: love for animals and endangered species
Mushrooms: a desire for more rainfall and more abundance in a dry region
Purple crayon and artist’s palette: a desire to be creative
Sitting couple discarding a philosophy book: a desire to move closer to the heart
Cross of Mary Magdalene: the desire to implement her teachings
Lighthouse: a message that light will overcome darkness
Butterfly: a message that the flapping of wings resounds throughout the universe
Hands with three blue circles: a prayer for eternal peace


By Rosie Jackson, 30 x 40 cm, acrylics on canvas, 2022

"The lark at break of day arising
From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate"

Shakespeare's Sonnet 29

Imagine waking up every morning, hearing beautiful music and looking at this vista. The different ranges of mountains symbolize the various opportunities which are open to us. We get a better view by climbing one mountain methodically, until we see more on the horizon. The skylark has a clear view. Larks are known for their melodious, joyous singing during flight, whereas other birds perch to sing. They are also known as messengers in religion and mythology, associated with the sun, bringer of warmth and light. While the lark represents day, the poppy represents relaxation, sleep, night, imagination, divine intuition and dreams, providing balance.

By Rosie Jackson, acrylics on canvas, 100 cm x 80 cm

The inspiration for this painting comes from Seraphin Message 478: THE MYRIAD PARTICLES OF YOU which contemplates our true identity which is unique and at the same time universally connected to the whole. Life can be experienced on several levels. The purely physical or material level, where one revolves mainly around oneself, or the spiritual level where our focus is on self-perfection in order to better serve others. This involves the knowledge that we are all parts of the whole. This painting attempts to portray this connection and the many wonderful facets of you.

“Contemplate also not only the wonders, intricacy and divine blue-prints exhibited in the natural world, resulting in the growth of the perfectly proportioned tree or the perfectly proportioned rose, but contemplate also the intricacy of YOURSELF, including all the cells and particles which are arranged perfectly and which communicate constantly and effectively with each other, without requiring you to do anything. Can you see the UNSEEN at work here? All this will indicate to you that there is, by divine design and unseen administration, a plan for you. Your perfect functioning is leading you to your purpose. You are occupying a vehicle so that you have a means to execute that specific purpose, just as a flower will bloom and then go forth to produce seeds (and we are not referring to producing offspring here: we are referring to what you have come here to create). You are, to put it bluntly, DIVINELY SUPPORTED IN AN UNSEEN WAY BY A GREAT POWER”
(From Seraphin Message 478: THE MYRIAD PARTICLES OF YOU)

Aspects of ourselves in the painting

Our connections to the natural world
Mountains, oceans, vegetation, birds, lizard, fish
Man with an eagle and a mouse
Network of roots

Our connection to the cosmos
2 spaceships, 4 crop circles, the 7 circuits of Paradise

Our creativity and influence
2 dancers and a painter
Ripples made by a stone in water  Beautiful lotus which grows out of the mud    Our divinely guided spiritual journey  The messengers Jesus, Buddha and Lao Tse, Trinity symbol  Guardian angel protecting the painter  Our divine blueprint represented by the perfect spiral unfolding of foliage and geometric patterns  Symbols of harmony, balance, adaptability, intelligence, strength and power of love  Symbols of virtue, spirituality, rebirth and sanctity of self  Symbols of transformation: snake, tree of life, I Ching, Dharmachakra path to wisdom  Cranes, symbol of immortality, wisdom, vigilance and balance    Our physical journey  Mother, father and child  Food: pineapple symbolising abundance, fertility and beauty  The influence of the past, symbolised by a dinosaur  Water, fire, snowflake and sunrise, symbolic of a new era of peace    

This is a detail from the painting SURRENDER which was inspired by Seraphin Message 463: THE IMPORTANCE OF SURRENDER. For all relationships to work, deep surrender is necessary. The central couple surrender to each other and also to Divine will. They embrace the earth as well as each other. United, they are able to unlock the door to paradise. This painting focuses on all relationships - between couples, between parent and child, between humans and animals, and between every individual person and the Divine. Elements include Mary surrendering to Divine guidance provided by the angel Gabriel, musicians surrendering solo voices to blend into a unified harmony, a group of people surrendering themselves for the sake of unity, a girl releasing balloons labelled “grudges”, “ego” and “distrust”, a clock symbolizing surrender to Divine timing and a heart symbolizing surrender to the words of the heart.

This is a detail from the painting SURRENDER which was inspired by Seraphin Message 463: THE IMPORTANCE OF SURRENDER. For all relationships to work, deep surrender is necessary. The central couple surrender to each other and also to Divine will. They embrace the earth as well as each other. United, they are able to unlock the door to paradise. This painting focuses on all relationships - between couples, between parent and child, between humans and animals, and between every individual person and the Divine. Elements include Mary surrendering to Divine guidance provided by the angel Gabriel, musicians surrendering solo voices to blend into a unified harmony, a group of people surrendering themselves for the sake of unity, a girl releasing balloons labelled “grudges”, “ego” and “distrust”, a clock symbolizing surrender to Divine timing and a heart symbolizing surrender to the words of the heart.

This is a detail from the painting SURRENDER which was inspired by Seraphin Message 463: THE IMPORTANCE OF SURRENDER. For all relationships to work, deep surrender is necessary. The central couple surrender to each other and also to Divine will. They embrace the earth as well as each other. United, they are able to unlock the door to paradise. This painting focuses on all relationships - between couples, between parent and child, between humans and animals, and between every individual person and the Divine. Elements include Mary surrendering to Divine guidance provided by the angel Gabriel, musicians surrendering solo voices to blend into a unified harmony, a group of people surrendering themselves for the sake of unity, a girl releasing balloons labelled “grudges”, “ego” and “distrust”, a clock symbolizing surrender to Divine timing and a heart symbolizing surrender to the words of the heart.

This is a detail from the painting SURRENDER which was inspired by Seraphin Message 463: THE IMPORTANCE OF SURRENDER. For all relationships to work, deep surrender is necessary. The central couple surrender to each other and also to Divine will. They embrace the earth as well as each other. United, they are able to unlock the door to paradise. This painting focuses on all relationships - between couples, between parent and child, between humans and animals, and between every individual person and the Divine. Elements include Mary surrendering to Divine guidance provided by the angel Gabriel, musicians surrendering solo voices to blend into a unified harmony, a group of people surrendering themselves for the sake of unity, a girl releasing balloons labelled “grudges”, “ego” and “distrust”, a clock symbolizing surrender to Divine timing and a heart symbolizing surrender to the words of the heart.

This is a detail from the painting SURRENDER which was inspired by Seraphin Message 463: THE IMPORTANCE OF SURRENDER. For all relationships to work, deep surrender is necessary. The central couple surrender to each other and also to Divine will. They embrace the earth as well as each other. United, they are able to unlock the door to paradise. This painting focuses on all relationships - between couples, between parent and child, between humans and animals, and between every individual person and the Divine. Elements include Mary surrendering to Divine guidance provided by the angel Gabriel, musicians surrendering solo voices to blend into a unified harmony, a group of people surrendering themselves for the sake of unity, a girl releasing balloons labelled “grudges”, “ego” and “distrust”, a clock symbolizing surrender to Divine timing and a heart symbolizing surrender to the words of the heart.

This is a detail from the painting SURRENDER which was inspired by Seraphin Message 463: THE IMPORTANCE OF SURRENDER. For all relationships to work, deep surrender is necessary. The central couple surrender to each other and also to Divine will. They embrace the earth as well as each other. United, they are able to unlock the door to paradise. This painting focuses on all relationships - between couples, between parent and child, between humans and animals, and between every individual person and the Divine. Elements include Mary surrendering to Divine guidance provided by the angel Gabriel, musicians surrendering solo voices to blend into a unified harmony, a group of people surrendering themselves for the sake of unity, a girl releasing balloons labelled “grudges”, “ego” and “distrust”, a clock symbolizing surrender to Divine timing and a heart symbolizing surrender to the words of the heart.

Rosie Jackson has uploaded Surrender

This painting was inspired by Seraphin Message 463: THE IMPORTANCE OF SURRENDER. For all relationships to work, deep surrender is necessary. The central couple surrender to each other and also to Divine will. They embrace the earth as well as each other. United, they are able to unlock the door to paradise. This painting focuses on all relationships - between couples, between parent and child, between humans and animals, and between every individual person and the Divine.


Mary surrendering to Divine guidance provided by the angel Gabriel
A woman and a man surrendering to sleep
A group of musicians surrendering solo voices to blend into a unified harmony
A group of people surrendering themselves for the sake of unity
A floating woman who has surrendered her ego / crown
A girl releasing balloons labelled “grudges”, “ego”, “distrust” and “fixed beliefs
A clock symbolizing surrender to Divine timing
A heart symbolizing surrender to the words of the heart
A child surrendering unconditionally to his father’s supporting hand.
A father surrendering himself to the learning pace of his son.
A mother surrendering to her baby / a baby surrendering itself to its mother.
A child surrendering fear and sleeping with lions
A woman looking after a fox, and a woman looking after a sheep
Love for nature, symbolized by a man embracing a tree, and hands releasing a butterfly
The words “Not my will but Thine” over the central archway
Lotus flowers with their roots in mud, symbolizing the progress towards perfection
Symbols left: the Trinity, strength, totality of the universe, the power of love  Symbols right: adaptability, divine omnipresence, the 3 circles of Christ Michael, balance, and sanctity of self  

Supported by the Seven Rainbow Masters
A painting by Rosie Jackson, 2021. Acrylics on canvas, 120 x 60cm.

This painting depicts seven microcosms in the seven colours associated with the seven rainbow masters. The 7 rainbow masters act behind the scenes on earth in an advisory capacity in the areas of the arts, education, leadership and healing. They are El Morya, Serapis Bey, St. Germain, Hilarion, Lady Nada, Lanto the Sage and Paul the Venetian. These are powerful beings who have incarnated several times on this planet to support and inspire us. Each rainbow master is associated with a certain colour. A coloured ray connects each microcosm with the central crown which symbolises spiritual maturity. Above the crown is a red circle symbolizing the attainment of Christ consciousness. The seven rays merge to form one white thread which weaves a tapestry in the bottom right corner. The more spiritual growth, the faster this tapestry will grow, surrounding and unifying everything so that the unified field of consciousness is achieved.

In the sky on the left, there are brilliant waves of colour. These represent an event which will impress the unmistakable presence of the Divine on each individual. At the bottom of the painting is a pool of lotuses, reflecting the Buddha in meditation. In Buddhism, lotuses growing out of mud symbolize beauty rising from dross. Next to the pool are traditional musical instruments, music being a main catalyst of spiritual growth. The seven stages of spiritual growth are represented by seven chakras along the right edge and by seven symbols along the left edge. There are seven main periods of human expression, to be achieved in one lifetime: primary thinking life, reasoned life, intellect life, real life, creational life, spiritual life and creation life. * The central figure in the central microcosm has achieved these seven stages. Such purity enables complete unification with the cosmos and involves voluntary compliance with cosmic law.


El Morya is known as the Statesman and has ties with the Himalayas. One of his previous incarnations was Akbar, ruler of an ancient Eastern empire, known as the “father of religious tolerance”. He also incarnated as Abraham, Melchior, King Arthur, Thomas Becket and Thomas More. He helps us to replant the fertile soil of the mind, to launch into new adventures and to take new risks. He encourages us to listen intuitively and to follow the “sacred flame of the heart”. His aim is to gather everyone into a beam of light so that they shine over dark seas like a lighthouse.

Elements in Microcosm 1
Flowers – watered from above - growing out of the mind of a young woman, a path to new vistas, a globe symbolising travel opportunities, the Himalayas, a ray of dawn and enlightenment, a bell sounding to increase awareness, a lighthouse and Abraham’s burning lamp.


Lanto previously incarnated as a high priest in Lemuria, as the Buddha and as a contemporary of Confucius. He brings us wisdom and balance, and if tragedy strikes, he helps us pick up the pieces and rebuild, helping us to manifest our “inner light” in our physical reality.
 Elements in Microcosm 2  A monk in deep meditation, a man encouraging his partner to manifest her inner beauty, two hands pouring water into the crown chakra of a spiritually thirsty woman, a sword and scepter symbolising action and serenity, the tree of life, the 8-fold path, the 1000-petalled lotus, the ouroboros infinity symbol – a serpent with its tail in its mouth, a traditional Chinese temple and the yin yang symbol.      MICROCOSM 3; PAUL THE VENETIAN, MASTER OF THE PINK RAY    Paul the Venetian furthers creative abilities and represents the combination of love and discernment. He incarnated as head of cultural affairs in Atlantis, and also as Paolo Veronese, an artist in Venice in the 1500s who introduced a lot of colour and familiarity into his paintings, breaking with stiff traditions. He also supports the creation of beautiful buildings and is intensely aware art and music as powerful catalysts of enlightenment. Paul the Venetian also helps us to approach the “step not yet taken” towards freedom.    Elements in Microcosm 3  A musician from one of Paulo Veronese’s paintings, an artist, Venetian architecture, a grid of discipline combined with a heart, a hand unlocking a box with a key, the “fleur de lys” (3-fold flame of heart, head and hand, indicating the necessity to go into action on all levels), a sacred chalice, the birth of the pink flame through merging red and white, a spiral of creativity, Statue of Liberty, and a hand reaching for a star.    MICROCOSM 4: SERAPIS BEY, MASTER OF THE CRYSTAL RAY    This microcosm is in the central “fulcrum position”. Serapis Bey is the master of purity, humility and humour, an architect and master of geometry. In previous incarnations, he was Leonidas King of Sparta, the Priest of Ascension in Atlantis, and Pharaoh Amenhotep who constructed the temple at Luxor, Egypt. Serapis Bey assists us on the path to spiritual initiation. Serapis Bey points to way to self-sacrifice and surrender to the Divine, supporting the shortest way from A to B through directness and discipline.    Elements in microcosm 4  Arrow from A to B, flower of life symbol, Fibonacci spiral, the head of Amenhotep, Temple of Luxor, two sacred serpents, Easter Lilies, a scene of spiritual initiation in which a woman who has reached spiritual maturity stands in a circle of while flames. These stretch up to meet the flames at the top, symbolizing fusion with the Divine.      MICROCOSM 5: HILARION, MASTER OF THE GREEN RAY    Hilarion incarnated as the apostle Paul and as a famous healer in Sicily who prevented a tidal wave by drawing three crosses in the sand. He is concerned with healing and initiation of the inner development. All healing starts with oneself coming back into balance. He helps us to remove our shackles and unlock doors. Nature is of great assistance in this healing process.    Elements in microcosm 5  The apostle Paul, a man progressing from one locked room to another, three crosses in front of a tidal wave, a woman on the stairway of spiritual progress surrounded by nature, the Temple of Truth on Crete, a green flame created by combining a blue and yellow flame, and a hexagonal crop circle.      MICROCOSM 6: LADY NADA, MASTER OF THE RUBY RAY    Lady Nada’s most famous incarnation was as Mary Magdalene, thus the Christ symbol in the blue circle. She was also the keeper of the “flame of love” in the Temple of Love in the greatest city of Atlantis, where she incarnated as a lawyer. Here this temple is portrayed in the form of a rose. In the painting, Nada gives her support a girl, encouraging her to be selfless and to love others, especially children, while retaining complete inner balance. Nada teaches the principle of sacred labour, sponsoring the orders of St. Francis and St Clare.    Elements in microcosm 6  Solar plexus chakra, Christ symbol in a blue circle, rivers of love emanating from the heart of a girl supported by Nada, the rose temple, St. Francis and a dove, and St. Clare.      MICROCOSM 7: ST. GERMAIN, MASTER OF THE VIOLET RAY    St. Germain has had many famous incarnations, including the prophet Samuel, St. Alban, Merlin, Columbus, Francis Bacon and Count St. Germain in 18th century France. Germain is a spokesman for liberty and the right to investigate and experiment. He provides a road map back to the stars, encouraging us to recognize everything as a mirror of ourselves, and urging us to set sail on the “path of red” (A native American expression). St. Germain is also the master of water purification. The violet ray is the ray of transmutation and thus essential to the transformation of our world.    Elements in microcosm 7  A person climbing a ladder in pursuit of a star, an amethyst, Merlin, Arthur’s round table, the ship of Columbus, the violet cloak of transmutation, a mirror which says “myself”, and a man standing under a violet waterfall to undergo cleansing.    


St. Germain has had many famous incarnations, including the prophet Samuel, St. Alban, Merlin, Columbus, Francis Bacon and Count St. Germain in 18th century France. Germain is a spokesman for liberty and the right to investigate and experiment. He provides a road map back to the stars, encouraging us to recognize everything as a mirror of ourselves, and urging us to set sail on the “path of red” (A native American expression). St. Germain is also the master of water purification. The violet ray is the ray of transmutation and thus essential to the transformation of our world.

Elements in this painting
A person climbing a ladder in pursuit of a star, an amethyst, Merlin, Arthur’s round table, the ship of Columbus, the violet cloak of transmutation, a mirror which says “myself”, and a man standing under a violet waterfall to undergo cleansing.


Paul the Venetian furthers creative abilities and represents the combination of love and discernment. He incarnated as head of cultural affairs in Atlantis, and also as Paolo Veronese, an artist in Venice in the 1500s who introduced a lot of colour and familiarity into his paintings, breaking with stiff traditions. He also supports the creation of beautiful buildings and is intensely aware art and music as powerful catalysts of enlightenment. Paul the Venetian also helps us to approach the “step not yet taken” towards freedom.

Elements in Microcosm 3
A musician from one of Paulo Veronese’s paintings, an artist, Venetian architecture, a grid of discipline combined with a heart, a hand unlocking a box with a key, the “fleur de lys” (3-fold flame of heart, head and hand, indicating the necessity to go into action on all levels), a sacred chalice, the birth of the pink flame through merging red and white, a spiral of creativity, Statue of Liberty, and a hand reaching for a star.

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