Katherina Sadovsky

Katherina Sadovsky

Photographer Katherina Sadovsky

About > Activities

I am a professional photographer living in Ireland. Please feel free to have a look at My website :
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Katherina Sadovsky is now following fotodepot

Meine Art und fotografische Sichtweise entstand aus der Suche nach etwas Neuem in meinem Leben.
Meine fotografischen Streifzüge konzentrieren sich auf Lokalkolorit und unkonventionelle Situationen. Mit Liebe zum Detail fotografiere ich vorzugsweise vom Großen und Ganzen hin zum Kleinen und Feinen. Häufig entstehen dabei Fotogeschichten, die quasi das Objekt aus sich heraus erzählt.
Große Freude bereitet mir die humorvolle Aufbereitung von Fotos zu Geschenkartikeln.

Sie sehen hier ausgewählte Motive meiner Arbeiten.
In meiner Bildagentur www.fotodepot.info finden Sie mein stets wachsendes Angebot.
Außerdem bin ich auf dem Online-Kunstmarkt http://fotodepot.artists.de/ vertreten.
Geschenkartikel finden Sie in meinem Shop – Fotopresente bei Dawanda –
( http://de.dawanda.com/shop/fotopresente )

Sollten Sie ein besonderes Motiv ins Auge gefasst haben, senden Sie mir gerne eine E-Mail an kontakt@fotodepot.info. Ich lade das betreffende Foto dann gerne für Sie in meine Galerie bei Artflakes.


Brandon Friend was born in Flushing, NY on April 20, 1980. He attended The University of Maryland College Park in 1998 where he studied in the Honors Art Program and received a BA degree in Fine Art. In 2002, Friend began his professional career with two solo exhibitions in Washington, D.C and Baltimore, MD. In 2008, he received his MFA degree in Fine Art from CUNY Queens College and currently works in his Long Island City studio. Friend’s works have been exhibited in galleries throughout the United States, including Seattle, WA; Kansas City, MO; New Orleans, LA; Austin, TX; Short Hills, NJ; New York, New York. In 2011 and 2012 his works were showcased with Lambert Arts in Fountain Art Fair, NY and Fountain Art Fair, Miami. He has been featured in several print and online publications such as The Washington Post, The Knight News, Working Class Magazine, The Daily Record, The Pitch Kansas City, Radar, artistaday.com, secretstill.com, sweet-station.com, artbookmke.com, and theworldsbestever.com.

Katherina Sadovsky is now following Giulio Asso

Giulio Asso @ Verdekiwi

architect, artist, photographer, 3Ddesigner.

follow me on www.verdekiwi.it

photo by Katherina Sadovsky

photo by Katherina Sadovsky

photo by Katherina Sadovsky

Website: www.yvonnepfeifer.de

My preferred method is paperwork. I’m creating collages by using different kinds of illustrations, such as newspaper, books or calendars. For this handcraft I need good scissors and glue. I’m not using digital processing in my works.

My source of inspiration is life itself. Every encounter means inspiration. To express the vital forces is my intention.

When I start a new work, there is nothing I’m thinking of, no idea. It’s a flow. My intuition is leading me.

When the work is finished, I’m always surprised of the result. It’s a journey.

photograph, which hold firmly, and what fascinated by the possibilities to enter the digital processing, the captured so again as you would like to remind, opens the possibility for arranging experienced the reality itself. I hope you have fun and enjoy my pictures


Katherina Sadovsky is now following Rike Beck

I am a young artist from Germany. I live and work in Berlin.
For news feel free to visit www.facebook.com/rikebeck.art
My artwork comprises graphics, paintings, conceptual designs as well as their practical realization. I am influenced by many things as music, books, theatre and all the ordinary things around. If you like my artwork you can find more of them and further information about me at www.ulrikebeck.com.

Welcome to my gallery!

Katherina Sadovsky has uploaded Yakov

photo by Katherina Sadovsky


Katherina Sadovsky is now following Jutta Rund

"The whole is more than the sum of its parts."


Thank you all so much for the positive feedback and the friendly comments !!!
.............and please don't use the facebook "Like Button" !!!

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