Udo Schabenberger

Udo Schabenberger

Fotografie ist eine Leidenschaft. Und Leidenschaft soll man Leben.

About > Activities

Udo Schabenberger is now following marcpicard

Visual alchemist and poet of the ineffable.

Udo Schabenberger is now following Uwe Weber

Da bin ich....demnächst mehr über mich und nun viel Vergnügen in meiner Galerie.


Udo Schabenberger is now following casiegraphics

Casiegraphics is an Illustrator living in Berlin

Udo Schabenberger is now following Nando Vivas

PLEASE, FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/nandovivasart

When you feel the uncontrollable nausea taking possession of the whole of your body, when your lower instincts emerge boldly and unstoppable, when you desire the undesirable, when your body fluids flow out of control, when you have lost your head, when you don’t look for it, when you are incapable to find it, when that happens... have you lost all traces of humanity, or does it actually make you human, more human than anyone else? A creature which, above all, wishes to have control... knowing not to have it.

Nando Vivas confronts us to a reality we want to hide in private, the humiliation and embarrassment of what we all share but restrict; the unpleasant, obscene and scatological. We let a smile out before the aberrant and excremental of his work, and at the same time we redden because we recognize in it our own defects, our monstrosity and our excrements. The power of his work lies, precisely, in his ability to express, without clichés and without beating about the bush, the brutal side inside each of us.

With intense, bright and powerful colors, we find his work attractive but, at the same time, those colors and kitsch ornaments clash with the representation of explicit and brutal scenes that drive us back to the dark sordidness of our unconscious minds, now developed in Technicolor.

His style, clearly inspired in the universe of underground comic and with references to the mainstream culture, grazes the most insulting, direct and outrageous camp. N. Vivas takes advantage of the apparent referential vacuity to be sarcastic about a deranged and histrionic society, both repressed and repressive, where there is no apparent salvation or way out.

"arts hobbyist"


Udo Schabenberger is now following Nic Squirrell

Artist, illustrator, chocolate eater.

My name is Ekaterina Koroleva and I am a Russian Artist living in Berlin. If you want to follow my work, you are invited to visit my Facebook page:

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