
„African souls: II“

aus der Galerie von Manuela Kulpa
Über dieses Bild:

The Lioness lives in the light!
When a lioness isn't hunting, she has no reason to move about in the shadows. She conducts her life in the open, sun-filled expanses of Africa. She feels no shame and no need to hide.

Like the lioness, women must live their lives in the open with a light-filled heart. You alone have the power to open your life to sunlight and live without fear or shame (Women-Who-Roar).

Bildnummer: 44d0fcb
Weitere Bilder des Künstlers
Funny-dog-faces Funny-jack African-souls-003 African-souls-011 African-souls-005 African-souls-006
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Bernhard Kaiser gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2014-10-17 12:02:42 UTC
Bettina Hilker gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2014-10-17 07:46:24 UTC
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