

aus der Galerie von eloiseart
Über dieses Bild:

The sign for "butterfly" is made with two hands that link thumbs and wave the fingers slowly to show wings that are gently fluttering in the air. A glimmer of light touches the hands as if to highlight the moment. Purples, pinks, reds, lavender, and blue add to a varied presentation that is rich and colorful, yet demure and soft at the same time.
................................................American Sign Language (ASL) is the language primarily used by the deaf in the United States. It is, in fact, the fourth most popular language in America. ASL is conceptual and is a beautiful art form in its own right.
................................................ASL often has a referent connection to the actual item or motion that a sign represents. The sign for "butterfly" is a perfect example, as it "looks like what it is and what it does." For this sign, the hands also must show the grace of the butterfly, and this is beautifully captured in the image. The fingers are long and elegant - perfect hands for signing. Such a lovely piece of artwork.
................................................This butterfly was created with brush and watercolor. With an overall feeling of blue, there are other colors that give the signing hands depth and dimension. As a finishing touch, details were inked in, making the painting "mixed media" .
................................................This painting is gentle and sweet. Soothing. Comfortable. Whimsical. Hopeful. The butterfly is a symbol of new life and future beginnings. It pushes its way out of the cocoon and then opens its wings to take in the sunshine of newness. Butterflies symbolize hope.
................................ A lovely gift for someone, or buy it for yourself.

Bildnummer: 44d7f23
Frank Siegling gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2013-05-03 07:29:27 UTC
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