
„Marlot – 24-09-20“

aus der Galerie von Corne Akkers
Über dieses Bild:

Marlot – 24-09-20

Marlot Cows
And now for something completely different: cows in Marlot. I wanted to change the subject for once and do a drawing similar to the horses in my drawing Laren 30-04-20. I never have been an artist drawing and painting animals frequently but I thought I give it a shot and since I am in the mood after my rediscovery of colored pencils, there you have it.

Cubistic Animals
I always have loved cows and here in The Netherlands you won’t have to travel far to see them just outside cities and villages, or in this particular case right in some forelorn meadows in the outer skirts of The Hague, near Marlot. The challenge was, just as in my earlier drawing Golden Brown – 24-08-20, to keep much of the positive forms of the cows open so they could breathe into the negative space around it. I think the angular cubist shapes fit the cows quite well. The are angular anyway.

Cow Tribute
It’s a little tribute to a curious animal that often have gazed upon my doings about on paper in nature. I think of occasions when drawing in the fields that I felt being watched upon from behind, turning around and to discover that I was watched by 20-odd cows.
 Color Scheme  In art class today I involuntarily thought of Rik Wouters and his famous red / green color scheme. It must have lingered on in my mind when I drew this one this evening in one go. Of course complementary colors are your safest bet to beaf things up but I expanded the color scheme a little bit further by adding some blues and purples to the mix. It was fun to do and perhaps I will do some more in the next future.    Colored pencil drawing on Talens toned colour paper (21 x 29.7 x 0.1 c m) - A4 format)  Artist: Corné Akkers  

Bildnummer: d3dcc8d
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Juergen Seidt gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2020-09-25 11:42:26 UTC
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