
„She didn't work before bed“

aus der Galerie von Tchago Martins
Über dieses Bild:

Work developed within the series of collages 'Eu não quero mostrar / I don't want to show', with individual exhibition of the same title in 2015, at the Pinacoteca de São Bernardo do Campo (SP, Brazil)

'In his collages, the artist brings to light the human figure permeated by the use of cutouts and the crossing of different languages ??and aesthetic references, using in a peculiar way the overlapping of natural textures.

Just like a "sample" in the musical context - which has the role of recycling a sound extract extracted from another work and reusing it, not necessarily with the same objective as the initial work - his collage work provides a new freshness to the images that have already they have their own meaning, enabling a contemporary reading of the urban space, the metropolises and the surroundings, through the overlapping of elements.

His images refer to memories of cities, which mix times, places and situations, expanding each individual's field of abstraction and exploring a tangle of sensations in his graphic repertoire.

Speaking of sensations, the explanation depends on each one.

After all, in your art there are no definitive answers.' (Rodrigo Plaça, cultural researcher)    -    Exhibitions that an original work was shown:    2020    Individual Exhibition ‘Solto, se possível / Loose, If possible’, Laje 795, São Paulo, SP;    2019    1st ‘Art in box’ - Analog Edition, collective exhibition and art fair, Universidade do Papel, São Paulo, SP;    2018    Individual exhibition ‘Sobre Por / About by’, Coletivo 217, Diadema, SP;    2016    Collective exhibition ‘Espaço Novart / Novart Space’, ALESP - Legislative Assembly of the State of São Paulo, São Paulo;    Collective exhibition ‘ABC Subúrbio Operário / Workers suburb’, ABC Metalworkers Union, São Bernardo do Campo;    2015    Individual exhibition ‘Eu não quero mostrar / I don’t want to show it’, Ilva Aceto Maranesi Art Library, Pinacoteca of São Bernardo do Campo;

Bildnummer: 7d291b0
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