Andrea Peterson

Andrea Peterson

Patterns, portraits, and figures are frequently the focal point within my surreal paintings, woven together as an indescribable narrative, evocative of the abstract nature of ancient mythology and dreams. I consider myself an idiosyncratic surrealist, and find my work constantly evolving within a broad stylistic spectrum. However, once a viewer is familiar with my style and loosely woven narrative, they will always recognize my artwork.
My art is my heart, my passion, my past, present and future... As Picasso once said “I paint as I breathe.”

Raised in Wilmington NC, I graduated from East Carolina University in North Carolina, U.S. with a concentration in Illustration. The next several years brought me to Washington, D.C. and then New York, NY where for the next several years I pursued my passion for painting, before moving out west. My creations have been featured in many exhibitions along the east coast including Washington D.C. and Philadelphia, as well as galleries in North Carolina, New York, Arizona, and London.

Phoenix, Arizona is now my main homebase for painting, although I continue to travel and explore as much as time and opportunity allow. Over the past year my fashion illustration has had more exposure and even enabled me to travel to London to promote Amelia's Magazine and Compendium of Fashion Illustration, for which I designed the cover. I always travel with a sketchbook and watercolors to capture significant moments and interesting people!

Alle Bilder von Andrea Peterson (9 Bilder)

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