Cris  Hayes

Cris Hayes

From the camera of Cris Hayes comes a collection of images designed to enhance your home or office. Fine Art wall decor of nature, hummingbirds, landscapes and wildlife can be purchased or placed under contract by print production houses. This fine art photographic Angel Wing Series was created by Cris Hayes without ever leaving his backyard. Hummingbirds are just like Angels on Earth. They are very special and trusting once they see you day after day.

Having grown up in a photographic family, Cris Hayes started behind the camera in a portrait studio. After many years of creating images of people, Cris found his true love, nature, wildlife and hummingbirds. His passion is being passed on to you through his wall decor and canvas images for your home. The collection includes: wild birds, animals, horses, landscape, flowers, insects combined with custom designed art textures for the art image backgrounds. Cris invites you to sit back, relax and see the world through the lens of his camera.

Art Publication and Print Houses, please call or email to ensure the images you like are open and ready to be placed under contract for your wall decoror lithographic print line. email to reserve or order images. Contracts are pending, do not wait as images are contracted to the best offering. (updated January 8, 2012) ~ Cris

About > Activities

Cris Hayes hat das Bild Out of Cell range hochgeladen

Taken in Tennessee this dock has stood for years and served many people. Today, it still stands and waits to be of service to the next guest.

Cris Hayes folgt jetzt Sookie Endo

Welcome to Sookie Endo's Photographs

Cris Hayes folgt jetzt David Pinzer

For me everything began with the love for traveling and the wish to ban the unknown and fascinating - people, landscapes, situations - in pictures. Meanwhile I am a freelance photographer working in the fields of people and fashion as well as nature and urban/ urbex. Whats left is the love for strong composition and mostly decent colours. And I like the little strange, absurd and bizarre things for their beauty.

Cris Hayes folgt jetzt Tom Hanslien

Freelance photographer based in London, UK.
Originally from Norway, but after three years in Maidstone UK and equipped with a BA (HONS) degree in photography, have been working as a freelance photographer and retoucher in London since 2000.

Aeiko is the online creative identity of UK designer Pete Harrison. After graduating he quickly became one of the Uk’s top up and coming designers.

Since then he has worked in agencies in London, and freelanced in mainly graphic design, typography and web design for a variety of high profile clients.

He currently resides in South Devon designing and developing his clothing label’s Funkrush and SuperCombo. Every year he also creatively directs a project called Desktopography and also has a blog where he keeps updates on all of his projects.

Our love for traveling started more more than twenty years ago in a plane somewhere in the skies of South America when a man showed us his passport stamped in several Antarctic scientific bases. We immediately decided to go there. That was the beginning of numerous adventurous trips to many remote parts of the world.
Our pictures appear on a regular basis on the UNESCO World Heritage website as well as on brochures and exhibitions related to conservation.
Since 2005, we switched to digital photography and attended many workshops.

G & M Therin-Weise

Cris Hayes folgt jetzt isabild


Bei gibt's auch Kalender,
gibt's weitere Bilder.

Viel Spaß beim Besuch meiner Galerien!

Cris Hayes hat das Bild wir sind 4 kommentiert
”Very niceoverlay and texture. Well done.“
Alle Kommentare

Ich bin sehr experimentierfreudig und versuche gern mal etwas neues - dann zieht es mich wieder in die Natur und ich genieße ihre Schönheit und halte sie im Bild fest.


My preferred method is paperwork. I’m creating collages by using different kinds of illustrations, such as newspaper, books or calendars. For this handcraft I need good scissors and glue. I’m not using digital processing in my works.

My source of inspiration is life itself. Every encounter means inspiration. To express the vital forces is my intention.

When I start a new work, there is nothing I’m thinking of, no idea. It’s a flow. My intuition is leading me.

When the work is finished, I’m always surprised of the result. It’s a journey.

Cris Hayes folgt jetzt Kai Kasprzyk

Andere Blickwinkel und Konstruktionen von Wahrheiten.

Meine Passion gilt der Gestaltung von Arbeiten mit Fotografie und Bildmontagen.
Ich spiele mit unserem Sehverhalten.
Die Bilder zeigen andere Blickwinkel und Konstruktionen von Wahrheiten. Sie entstehen aus einer Anzahl von Einzelbildern und ergeben so ein neues Ganzes.
Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei in der Architektur und Abstrakten Bildmontagen.
Auch einzelne Werke von meinen Reisen gehören zum Portfolio.

Lust auf Leben -
Fotos aus sinnlichem Erleben -
laut und leise -
sinnig und hintersinnig -
Hingabe und Reflektion -
Lust und Wonne -
Schmerz und Schrei -
normal und jenseits des Gewohnten -
mit Lust und Freude -

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