Amanda Finan

Amanda Finan

My name is Amanda Finan and I am a Professional landscape Photographer specialising in Scottish landscape.

There are special moments in life that deserve to be captured, and I am passionate about capturing those moments through my photography.

I live in the beautiful country of Scotland in the United Kingdom and this is where my passion for photography started a few years ago.
Scotland has such beautiful scenery and I try to capture those wonderful scenes along my travels. You will very often find me on Rannoch Moor or soaking up the atmosphere of one of the many Lochs Scotland has to offer.

I love to capture those beautiful sunsets as they shine their light over a loch or watch the reflection of a tree dance on the surface of the water. The seasons of Scotland are so wonderful to see, from the summer glow and gentle breeze, to the crisp winter snow and the silence this brings.

I also have a passion for flowers which comes from being a professional Florist, but as my life has moved on in different directions now, I find pleasure in photographing their beauty instead. Over the last few years I have developed my own unique representation of them and I now have a wide variety of Artistic Florals.

I hope you enjoy my photographs and welcome to
My Beautiful World.....

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Keen amateur photographer who likes capturing what he finds beautiful.Professionally is a teacher of Design and Technology and has a wonderful wife and two gorgeous kids! He is a lucky man!

I am a Digital artist, with a passion for fractal design.

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Trevor travels over most of the North of England to pursue his passion for landscape photography, British National Parks, the Lake District,North Yorks Moors & Dales,also Vintage Steam Trains.

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My main interests are wildlife and nature and a great deal of my photography reflects that passion.

I try to capture the detail and beauty of the Natural World and to share my love for the animals and plants that inhabit this world we call home.

Hallo und willkommen auf meinem ARTFLAKES-Profil.

Neben Mountainbiken und Hiking gehört das Fotografieren zu meinen liebesten Freizeitbeschäftigungen.

Hier findet ihr einige Auszüge.

I'm a semi retired Pro Photographer with many years successful experience in wedding photography and journalism.

I'm residing today in the U.S. together with my American husband. We travel a lot and enjoy life together as much and as long as we can.

If you have not seen something or anything you're thinking of, please don't hesitate to ask me about - I have a LARGE archive with many, many more photographs and I will be very happy to assist you to find it for you and to upload it to my page here - or I'll create THAT picture you have in your mind - especially for you! Let's talk about, send me an email - I do love challenges!

Greetings from always sunny Florida!
Susanne Van Hulst


Ich bin eine frueh pensionierte, ausgebildete Fotografin mit langjaehriger Erfahrung in Hochzeitsfotografie und Journalismus. Heute bin ich freischaffend taetig und arbeite in diversen Foto-Projekten mit, welches mir sehr grossen Spass macht.

In 2009 habe ich mir meinen langjaehrigen Traum wahrgemacht und bin in einem Camper 8 Monate kreuz und quer durch die USA gereist. Es war ein einmaliges Erlebnis, dieses wunderschoene Land auf eigene Faust zu erkunden. Einige der Fotos von dieser Reise sind auch hier aufgelistet.

Sollten Sie etwas in meinem Portfolio vermissen, sagen Sie's mir! Ich habe ein sehr grosses Archiv an Bildern und ich wuerde mich freuen, Ihnen zu helfen, genau das zu finden, was Ihnen vorschwebt - oder ich werde sogar etwas kreieren - extra fuer Sie! Schreiben Sie mir und wir finden gemeinam DIE Loesung! Ich liebe Herausforderungen!

~Susanne Van Hulst


Betsy Cameron’s photographs of children touch the heart and are some of the most endearing images in the world.

There is something undeniably beautiful about the innocence of youth.

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”Congrats on your home page feature Ray....“
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