Giulio Iurissevich

Giulio Iurissevich

since 1998, the work of Italian fashion illustrator Giulio Iurissevich
has made appearances around the world, including his native
Italy, Europe, the United States, China and Japan.


Luerzer's archive 200 best illustrators worldwide 2007\08 2009\10 2010\11
Images 29 the best british contemporary illustration 2005
Images 30 the best british contemporary illustration 2006 (AOI)
Big Book of fashion illustration (Batsford)
New fashion Illustration (Batsford)
Artaq book 01 - Urban arts awards (book about the work of the winners of the Urban arts awards 2010)
Artaq book 02 - Urban arts awards (book about the work of the winners of the Urban arts awards 2011)
400ml book - (kitchen 93)

finalist for the Warner Bros DC 75th Anniversary of Superheroes 2010 : Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green lantern...
selected artist by "USA by designers" 2010

clients: Pepsi, Gap, Banana Republic, Brooks bros, Burlington, Warner Bros,Mazda, Vancouver Olympics 2010,Marie Claire,Elle,the Source,Computer Arts, Creative digital arts......


-Asia Toys expo taiwan
-Kisosung Municipal Cultural Bureau - Taiwan.
-Hong kong toys fair
-Toy Tokyo JP
-theshowroomnyc New york USA
-Toy cube New York - USA
-monorchid - phoenix USA
-Angers Grand Théâtre (FR) Artaq
Hôtel de Ville
-400ml maison des metallos - Paris,
Lieu (FR)
-Dordogne - France - Chateau des Izards 400ml
-Studio 95London UK
-WWA gallery
-Gallery nucleus
-Studio 95 London (UK)
Alhambra CA 91801 USA
-Coningsbygallery - London - UK
-4th wall gallery - Dallas USA
-Espace Beaurepaire - Paris (FR)
-Stattbad - Berlin (Ger)
-Bruxelles / ESPACE ART 22 (B)
-the flow @ Supperclub (Amsterdam)
-she! - galleria spazio bevacqua panigai - treviso(italy)
--Artaq 2011
Place: Espace Art 22 - 22, Rue Van Aa - 1050 Bruxelles

Espace Commines
Place: Rennes Parc des expositions / Rennes Airport / Rue Jules Vallès, Saint-Jacques de la Lande next to ESPRIT MAISON /
-ArtSuperHero exhibition @ the Lutetia Paris Rive Gauche Hotel

giulio iurissevich

"Nothing is created. Everything changes .. In a continuous becoming of matter and form.
This is my world : chaotic, multiple, a perpetual cycle of sunrise and
sunset, eternal tension between desire and possibility. The pencil through the
border in search of metamorphosis and advances in the hunt for a summary of
contemporaneity. Illustration as a visionary universe that is divided into a thousand
fragments and then back together in new forms. To do so, I'm constantly challenging,
landing effortlessly in real hypertext compositions. "

"Strong yet vulnerable, he take small steps before leaping in completely and immersing herself into the colorful and quaint world found only in his mind.
Free yet protected, he explores the dephts of his minds eye, never sure at what he might find. His path continues to wind round and round before he slowly but surely returns to his reality. A reality that is not so familiar to him..
.A reality full of the unknown"

Shon Magazine (UK)
"Nulla si crea, tutto si trasforma... in un divenire continuo di materia e forma. Così il mondo ai Suoi occhi: caotico, molteplice, un ciclo perpetuo di albe e tramonti, eterna tensione tra desiderio e possibilità. La matita attraversa il confine a caccia di metaformosi e anticipazioni, a caccia di una sintesi della contemporaneità. Illustrazione come universo visionario che si divide in mille frammenti per poi ricomporsi in nuove forme.

Iurissevich passa con disinvoltura dall'astrattezza del segno grafico alla precisione del figurativo. Per farlo si mette costantemente in discussione, approdando senza sforzo a vere e proprie composizioni ipertestuali.
Il colore non è mai semplice riempitivo, ma struttura. I Suoi lavori più apprezzabili, senza dubbio, proprio quelli frutto di una “rottura”: destrutturazione e ricomposizione alla ricerca di una nuova estetica. Articolate tracce narrative racchiuse in cornici sempre più piccole che costringono al dettaglio, suo punto di forza espressiva, suo tratto distintivo.
Opere nell'Opera dunque, micro assunti di una originale dimensione artistica mai scontata.

Le atmosfere in cui nascono i suoi disegni si aprono a ventaglio sugli stati d'animo più intimi. E' il caso dei personaggi femminili, un intero universo di “dee” algide e irrangiungibili, quanto fragili e inquiete.
Ma chi è Giulio Iurissevich? Si sottrae per natura a catalogazioni: Punk? Pop? Dark? Onirico o iperrealista? Tutto questo non conta. Ciò che conta è che attraverso giochi prospettici restiamo colpiti dal segno che si fa tratto e il tratto immagine ideale.

Originalità, profondità, ambientazioni fantastiche risalgono dalla superficie del lago sconfinato dell'immaginario per sovrapporsi alla realtà. Racconti di un futuro già rimosso invitano al sogno, senza paura, nella libertà piena che solo la fantasia di un artista può restituire.
Senza accorgerci, entriamo in sintonia con le Sue complesse ricomposizioni di un mondo fatto a pezzi nel quale perdersi per poi ritrovarsi, nella purezza grafica di un volto come nella plasticità del movimento.
Non solo soggetti ideali di comunicazione pubblicitaria, ma corpi in tensione nel contesto di una metropoli che, centrifugando i riferimenti, frammenta e moltiplica le prospettive.
Spiriti femminili trovano riparo presso nature matrigne. La lotta cede il passo al desiderio e all'armonia. Tutto questo è Iurissevich. Punk is not dead! "

Anna Maria Cecchini

About > Activities

Who am I?
I'm still trying to understand it.


I'm a 21 year old artist who prefers to work with acrylics. When i graduated high school i got a scholarship for my one stile and my creativity.

Giulio Iurissevich hat das Bild radar hochgeladen

ink on paper artwork

Illustrator, Designer, Programmer and full time dreamer.
Hoping to share what I like, what I do and what I dream.

Giulio Iurissevich hat das Bild Lingerie à pois kommentiert
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Welcome to my Gallery and thanks for your visit!
I am a german Graphic Designer and mom living in Malaysia.

My art is completly digital. I use vintage photos, old pictures and illustrations, tare them apart to create a new image. I am inspired by surrealism, fairy tales, folklore and medieval times.

- programmiert -
Wie's geht? Schau auf meine Website:
Weitere Bilder:
Viel Spaß!

Giulio Iurissevich hat das Bild Lingerie à pois kommentiert

Welcome to my gallery and thanks for your visit.
I currently live in Milan, where I graduated in Fashion Design at Politecnico.
My illustrations are inspired from fashion and from every kind of beauty.
Contact me at

Hi! I'm Sara, a creative designer from Portugal, who loves everything about art, from painting to digital illustration.

Hope you enjoy my gallery.

Art school until 1978, and after a lot of painting courses, especially in fresco painting. Many musical experiences (choral singing). Some painting exhibitions in Turin from 1980 to 1986, prevalently collective. An enthusiastic passion for sacred music, a lot of concerts in the childhood (Turin's Children Choir, Turin's Polyphonic Women's Choir).
1986 - 1995 A long thoughtful period, searching in the deep of my soul to a Message to express with music and painting. Simultaneously, a lot of energy involved in a creative job in various advertising agency.
At the beginning of 1995 I started a spiritual and pictorial journey ; I leaved representational art to approach a new style, rich of archetypic symbols, and at the same time I was studying also the etymology, the root of words.
Also the painting technical changed, and I began to use glasses, plexiglass, transparencies, enamels and gold and copper leaf.
Contemporaneously started two musical projects, Heat and XCR : from 1993 to 2000 we performed a lot of gigs.
In this period we collaborated with Giulia Caira, photographer and videomaker, and Motorangel (Heatseeker multimedial theathre project), and the director Angel G. Villani creating soundtracks.
In the 2000 my daughter was born, I restarde to paint with renovate energy and new inspiration. I discovered Marija Gimbutas books, and the power of feminine. All my artistic production is based now on the reasearch about archetypic symbol of feminine.
I studied all the mediterranean mithology with particular attention to pre-greek mithology, and all is about Great Goddess and prehistoric female power. My references are Campbell, Gimbutas, Graves, Vicki Noble, Riane Eisler.

Actually I work as curator for Museo Civico di arte contemporanea (Ortona) and I've created the Poetry Street wich starts in 2011 in Ferrara. I'm one of the artist of the exhibition Hieròs, about sacred contemporary art.

graphic design & illustration

Irgendwann hat die Kunst mich gefunden!

Durch die Hintertür, quasi.

Formen und Farbe brachten mich in Bewegung.

Entfachten heftigste Emotionen.

Ganz heimlich verliebte ich mich dann - in die Kunst.

Heute ist sie meine un-heimliche Leidenschaft!

Ich habe:

-irgendwann mal Abitur gemacht,
-ein Staatsexamen in der Krankenpflege,
-einen lieben Ehemann,
-zwei Töcher geboren,
(-noch) eine Staffelei,
-ganz viele Pinsel und Spachtel
-noch mehr Farben
-jede Menge Mallappen

Meine Heimatstadt ist Siegen, die ‘Provinz voll Leben‘ . Genauer gesagt, ein kleiner Ortsteil, in dem ich auch heute noch- oder besser gesagt wieder- total gerne lebe.
Meine ersten Malversuche, nur so aus Freude am Malen, unternahm ich in der Lüneburger Heide. Die Wochenenden in der Kurklinik waren immer so langweilig.

Die Aussage der Künstlerin vor Ort, ich habe ein gutes Gespür für Farben, motivierte mich.

Wieder Zuhause, meldete ich mich zu meinem ersten Malkurs in Aquarellmalerei an.

Es folgten verschiedene VHS und Wochenendkurse und überall, wo ich hinkomme, nehme ich wahr und lasse mich inspirieren.

Ganz besonders schätze ich die Entspannung in der Konzentration, die ich während des Schaffensprozesses empfinde.

Weitere Beispiele meiner ‘Kreativexplosionen‘ sehen Sie auf meiner homepage:

at some point the art has found me!

through the back door, virtually.

shapes and colors brought ??me in movement.

sparked most violent emotions.

secretly I fell in love - to the art.

Today it is my un-secret obsession!

"The whole is more than the sum of its parts."


Thank you all so much for the positive feedback and the friendly comments !!!
.............and please don't use the facebook "Like Button" !!!

I'm an Architect but my free time I fill with this fun and colourfull illustrations. I've started doing them for friends and familly and got encouraged to share them with the world. Hope you like them...

Victor Cavalera
21 years old from São Paulo - Brasil

Wanna colors? You've come to the right place.

Photography urban, nature and portraits.
Street art - Stencil over Canvas

hallo ich bin bildermacherin
- ich (mag) mache bilder mit / in:
- liebe / lust / leidenschaft
- gefühle
- momente
- fantasie
- inspiration
- intuition
- licht/schatten
- augen / augenblicke/ blickwinkel
- hände / knipsfinger / filterfinger ;0))
canon powershot sx20is / eos 40d
- pc
- bildbearbeitungsprogramme
- farbe / monochrom
schrilles / wildes / abstraktes
minimales / verblastes / vergilbtes / gecrosstes
scharfes / unscharfes
schräges / gerades
im rahmen / rahmenloses
scheinbares / unscheinbares
lautes, schreiendes, brülllendes
leises, besinnliches, meditatives
sinnlich wie sinnloses ;0))
quatsch, sach und auch schonmal lachgeschichten......
hier könnt ihr einen kalender für 2012 von mir erwerben :

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