Matthias Haker

Matthias Haker

I'm a photographer from Germany specializing in Decay, Landscape and Architectural Photography

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Matthias Haker hat das Bild The Dark Hedges hochgeladen

A wonderful avenue of old beech trees in Northern Ireland. The rising sun illunitated the place beutifully.

Matthias Haker hat das Bild Donegal hochgeladen

Longexposure of the coast in County Donegal, Ireland. The huge waves of the Atlantic Ocean were crushing against the slippery rocks.

Matthias Haker hat das Bild Spaceship hochgeladen

Diving Gondula at the Baltic Sea in Germany

Matthias Haker hat das Bild Frozen hochgeladen

A frozen Lighthouse on the Island of Rügen, Germany

Matthias Haker hat das Bild As Time Flies By hochgeladen

The amazing Guillemins de Liège Train Station

Matthias Haker hat das Bild Chamber of Commerce hochgeladen

A beutiful abandoned building somewhere in Europe.

Matthias Haker hat das Bild Chuch of All Saints hochgeladen

A beautiful abandoned church somewhere in Europe

Matthias Haker hat das Bild Saw Blade Stairs hochgeladen

A very unique formed spiral staircase


und einen wunderschönen Tag,
hier auf meiner SOMMERFRISCHE.

Schöne Fotos sagen mehr aus als nur Worte,
denn gute Bilder sprechen unsere Gefühle an
und erzählen uns Geschichten,
die in uns haften bleiben.

and a wonderful time at Sommerfrische.

Beautiful photos express more than words,
beautiful pictures attract our feelings.

They tell us stories which rest forever.

I am a Dutch documentary photographer, travelling around the globe. Specialised in capturing the remarkable life of Roma(gypsies) in Europe. Ih Holland, at my base in The Hague, i regularly work for magazines, newspapers and designercompanies.

Peter van Beek went to the fields and suburbs of many European countries, to document the lives of many Roma. Peter studied at the Academy of Arts in The Hague, Netherlands.

Peter became a documentary photographer in 1997. He captures lives and feels connected to remote groups and minorities all over the world. His interest for the Roma started during the Balkanwar, where he met lots of gypsies in Albania.His photo’s are documentary, raw and show fragility and pride.

Matthias Haker hat das Bild Cooling Tower hochgeladen

Inside an abandoned Cooling Tower

Matthias Haker hat das Bild God's House hochgeladen

A beautiful derelict protestant church left to decay.

Matthias Haker hat das Bild Leading Lines hochgeladen

Image taken inside an abandoned cooling tower

Matthias Haker hat das Bild Relaxed hochgeladen

A comfortable looking chair inside an abandoned building on a foggy day.

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