Ingo Mai

Ingo Mai

Ingo Mai

For friendship and contact:

Born in October 1964 in Dortmund / Germany.
From 1974 in the district Dingolfing -Landau / Bavaria residing.
With 15 years first artistic experience gathered with the design of copper relief pictures.
At the age of 17 years beginning painting with oil paints.
In the following years experiment with different draw and design techniques.
Including airbrushing.
All techniques were learned in an autodidactual way.
The airbrush technology was deepened so far that in 1990,
a small trade was opened for design work.
In the meantime international design work includes the design of pictures, advertising, sports articles (designs for well-known German manufacturers) vehicle parts, wall decorations, illusion paintings, decoration paintings and much more.

As a freelance artist, I've also been using photography as a medium. Showing beautiful things, special people, animals and nature in my feeling in the right light, makes me happy. I often photograph experimentally and creatively. Let me surprise the result, as hold on to so many norms.
Digital artistic editing also gives me just as much pleasure,
since I can be an artist again.
If you like my work, I am glad about a feedback.
Kind regards,

Achtung: Alle meine Bilder und Werke unterliegen dem Urheberrecht und Copyright.
Ich bitte sie, dies zu respektieren.
Attention: All my pictures are subject to copyright. Please respect this.

Alle Bilder von Ingo Mai (95 Bilder)

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