Rachel Rusk

Rachel Rusk

21 . F . NY&NJ . FIT

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Rachel Rusk hat das Bild Annie Are You Okay - Bloodlust hochgeladen

Bloody hipster vampire chick.
by Rachel Rusk / Macabre

Rachel Rusk folgt jetzt Ronnie Gray
Rachel Rusk folgt jetzt gustave

A Portfolio: http://sleepfreeart.daportfolio.com/

Hi Christoffer here!
Newly graduated graphic designer,
illustrator, communicator and gamer.

Rachel Rusk folgt jetzt artwarriors


Watching you since 1984 // Kill Art Kill Artists

I ́m Graphic designer from Buenos Aires, Argentine.

Rachel Rusk folgt jetzt David Lemm

Illustrator and designer

Fine Art graduate, freelance illustrator and graphic artist currently working and living in Brighton.

Specialising in fine representational ink drawing, I have a range of influences, but my inspiration initially stems from the medium itself. Much of my work explores the relationship between the fluidity and solidity of ink. Perhaps counterintuitively, in order to achieve a realistic representation of the flowing medium, my technique is a highly controlled one painstakingly built up from thousands of dots. Producing each piece is a process I enjoy loosing myself in.

Realism and elements of the fanciful are often juxtaposed, co-existing and colliding in my work. With influences including organic natural forms, the female form, fashion, sub and popular culture and the decadent playing a part in my work.

Rachel Rusk folgt jetzt Angelos
Rachel Rusk folgt jetzt franziskus


"In everyone there is an interior place, a secret space where creativity
throbs like a mysterious heart, creating wonderful parallel realities for our
life. This creativity allows each one to live that magic side of his
existence in the most desired inner freedom and the most enjoyable
gratification. To enable this to come about in a manner that satisfies our needs, we
must listen to the beats of this impalpable heart and go along with the
seduction that we feel coming from it. In this way, what is inside us is soon
shown to the world around us and is realized in the infinite transformations
of our life and in the tangible results of our actions.

This mysterious intimate creative space finds its broadest and highest
dimension in the vocation (in the Latin sense of a “calling” to a destiny)
embraced by the artist when he recognizes himself in it and makes it the
fundamental reason for his existence. This creativity is a secret and luminous
world, quite unique and different from one artist to another, where,
parallel and in relation to the real world, each artist lives by feeding on his
own visions and trying to express them to humanity through the work he
produces. And when we look at that work and feel attracted by it, something
stimulates in us the ability to tune into that secret world of the artist and
this in some way gives us the ability to re-create that same work.

This is the mystery which surrounds the magnificent works by Franziskus

Dr. Raul M. Oyuela, Director
Museum of the Americas

Meine künstlerischen Arbeiten beinhalten in Fragmenten meine individuellen Lebenserfahrungen, Wertvorstellungen und spirituellen Überzeugungen.

Da ich davon überzeugt bin, das Gott uns die Kunst als Gabe gegeben hat, ist der Künstler das tätige und umsetzende Medium dieses Geschenks. Der Kreativität dieser Gabe sind kaum Grenzen gesetzt was man an der Vielzahl an Stilen und Künstlern erkennen kann.


Die Kunstwerke von Franziskus Pfleghart sind auserhab des Mainstreams. In der surrealen Abstraktion, in der er seine inneren Lebens- und Erfahrungswelten ausdrückt, ist das Dargestellte oft nicht sofort greifbar. Es bedarf der Entschlüsselung und somit auch einer intensiveren Auseinandersetzung mit seinen Werken.

Sein einzigartig, markanter Stil ist von enormer Kreativität, Klarheit und Ausdruckskraft und zieht den Betrachter weg von der Realität hinein in spirituelle,mystische und fantastische Traumwelten.


Seine Werke sind bei Kunden im deutschen und europäischen Sprachaum sowohl im privaten als auch im geschäftlich- öffentlichen Bereich zu finden.

Besondere Austrahlung entwickeln seine Kunstwerke in der großformatigen Darstellung.

Illustrator and graphic designer.

Stefano Bessoni was born in Rome in 1965.
He's a filmmaker and illustrator.
He frequented for a few years the course of degree in biological sciences, increasing his interest for zoology and anatomy, he then graduated at the School of Fine Arts in Rome. Even though he got away from university, the world of science and in particular the trespassing between official disciplines and expressive arts, become the core of his poetic research.
In addition to his feature films “Frammenti di scienze inesatte”, “Imago Mortis” and “Krokodyle”, he made several sperimental films, video installation fot theatre, documentaries, becoming known to critics and receiving lots of prizes at national and international festivals.

Rachel Rusk folgt jetzt Paul Robson

Paul Robson (aka Muro) is a graphic designer, illustrator and typographer from the UK. Paul studied typography at the London Institute from 1997 to 2000, which has led to a varied creative career, and has seen him working in many design and advertising agencies throughout the UK. Muro Buro is a fictional name set up to showcase his personal design projects, which are produced outside of his daily agency work. The word Muro came from Paul starting out as a graffiti artist in 1990, and he still uses the word for all his creative outputs.

To see more of Paul's work visit: www.muro-buro.com

I was Born in Buenos Aires, Argentine, in 1973, where I continue to live now.
I am both, illustrator and graphic designer and frequently combine these two creative aspects in my work. I enjoy illustrating everything: books, toys, notebooks, stickers, puzzles, posters, magazines, movies, CD covers, calendars, advertising, or vinyls.
My books have been published in Argentine, France, México and Spain.

live in areas of Silesia. During the day, working as a graphic artist in a company that creates games. But in his spare time draws illustrations, comics and doing t-shirts


Ashton Bingham was born in Stroud, Gloucestershire in the United Kingdom in 1991. While currently studying in Ireland he is working as a freelance designer.

Rachel Rusk folgt jetzt arpaen

Sonu Ranjan, India based artist work with the name ''Arpaen".it Explore the colors and images of incredible Indian Madhubani painting, continuously dedicated for keeping the art alive with practical, contemporary and traditional development.
Bachelor in Fashion design, His field of work comprises graphical art work, illustrations, photography, concept and costume designs as well.

Hi, I'm an artist from Costa Rica, my interests are varied as is the way I illustrate, usually there is more than a mere drawing behind each image, my goal is to tell stories be it of willing oppression, raging anger, or unattainable love perhaps; well i hope you enjoy.

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