Mahmoud Fathy

Mahmoud Fathy

Mahmoud Fathy is Egyptian graphic designer based in Berlin.
Fathy departs from one constant desire; to create new visual experiences that reset our expectations as viewers. He considers visual design as a practice that should question visual expectations, habits of seeing, and constantly invoke memories of a personal past or of a collective cultural history. He engages with the aesthetical histories of enterprises and projects he takes over when he is called to reinvent their corporate identities, playing with what the object might be as a product, as an icon, or as a site for socio-political reminiscence and projecting. “I am very inspired by the Arabic alphabet. It serves both as a textual medium and a visual medium, how calligraphy inscribes itself in letters and in our memory of those letters, makes the alphabet at once an iconic image and a site for words construction”; says Mahmoud Fathy, “making us wonder about the nature of objects, words, and images, and how they are intersections of planes of perception”.??Fathy creates contemporary works that linger seductively in a classical visual canon, to allow access to the designs created. “I frequently use iconic images from childhood memories, cultural motifs, not to create exotic fetishes, but to remind people how seeing itself can always be reinvented anew”.

Alle Bilder von Mahmoud Fathy (15 Bilder)

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