Melanie Hinz

Melanie Hinz

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Jürgen Bürgin was born in Lörrach in Germany in 1971. He was studying German literature, linguistics and economy in Freiburg and received a degree at the Albert-Ludwigs Universität in Freiburg in 1998. He began to work for movie business in Berlin in 1999 as public relations manager for a film PR agency and has since participated in the PR for numerous movie releases in Germany. As a creative counterpart to his daily job he is working as an urban photographer too, and has been shooting in Berlin, Barcelona, Paris, London, San Francisco, Chicago, Shanghai, Tokyo and New York. In 2011 he was shortlisted for a Sony World Photography Awards in the category After Dark.

I have a Fine Art background. I completed my Fine Art degree at WSCAD (now know as University of Creative Arts) back in 1993; in which I specialised in Fine Art printmaking.

I have always loved photography. These days I spend very little time in my art studio, my passion for photography having completely taken over.

With macro photography I escape to another little world. I love exploring the tiny details in nature that often get over looked. I love finding beautiful colours and abstract compositions within nature and can even get passionate about photographing moss or a blade of grass.

I think I am at my happiest when I am crawling around on my hands and knees exploring a small patch of moss dripping with sparkling dew in the early morning sun.

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photographer from Poland, autodidact,

Ian Middleton is a freelance travel writer and photographer from the UK. He is the author of three travel narrative books and one travel guide to ancient Ireland, Mysterious World: Ireland. Ian has also written for several magazines, including Mysterious World, backpacker Ireland, Walking World Ireland, Take your car UK and the Slovenia Times newspaper. Ian’s photography has been published in Mysterious World: Ireland, Lonely Planet, Living Abroad, Bradt Travel Guides and the Guardian newspaper. For more information visit his website:

Please visit my photography website above and if you see an image there that you like, and it’s not here, simply send me an email telling me what you want and I will make it available here on Artflakes.

© ian middleton. All images here are copyright and not for free use. It is prohibited to use any of these photos without permission in any media, including personal websites and blogs.

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Fotografieren ist momentan noch nur Hobby...aber wer weiß...

Kurz umfasst, alles wird vor die Linse genommen, was die Natur zu bieten hat. Einige Fotos bleiben unbearbeitet, die meisten sind bearbeitet.

Weitere Bilder sind auf meiner Homepage zu finden und für Anfragen zu Bildern können Sie mich gern unter kontaktieren.

Ich möchte mich hier auch gleich bei den Käufern meiner Bilder und den fleißigen Kommentargebern bedanken.

Alle meine hier gezeigten Werke/Bilder unterliegen dem gesetzlichen Urheberrecht. Jegliche Art von Manipulation, Vervielfältigung, Kopie, Verteilung, Verbreitung, Blogging, öffentlicher Wiedergabe oder sonstiger vergleichbarer Nutzung ist untersagt. Jeder Verstoß hiergegen wird straf- und zivilrechtlich verfolgt.
© Daniela Beyer

ich mag: Familie, Freunde, Sport und "Bauch-Fotos"
ich mag nicht: Technik, Angeberei und "Verstand-Fotos"
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