

Michael is a Western Canadian photographer delving into expressive views of scenic Western Canada - mountain to prairie as well as fine art. He has a varied and interesting life experience background that has affected his photographic art perspective of cynic and optimist.

He is part of LT Plus with his artist partner and fully admits that when it comes to paint, she is what he will never be.. He does have a deep interest in blurring the line between photography and paint art knowing the photographer defines their limits by virtues of the original picture....maybe.

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michael-craige hat das Bild Buoys Alone hochgeladen

High contrast picture of lake buoys after the people have left on a late fall afternoon.

michael-craige hat das Bild Cone Flower hochgeladen

A visual of the early flowering of a pine tree. The cone is the essence.

michael-craige hat das Bild Granite & Water hochgeladen

An unusual picture where water is flowing down a mountain side and under a rock ledge.

michael-craige hat das Bild Tone and Image hochgeladen

Tone and shape create an image. The separation is not always clear but we create the visual links inside our mind.

michael-craige hat das Bild December Mount hochgeladen

Winter in the high country. Low light and snow on a low mountain in the heart of December.

michael-craige hat das Bild Forest Fire & Sunset hochgeladen

Forest fires affect many life aspects. One of the more positive ones can be incredible sunsets where cloud and smoke combine to form fleeting visual panoramas. Made for blurring the lines between photography and painting.

michael-craige hat das Bild Nakusp Footbridge hochgeladen

A winding road into the mountains leads to a hot springs. There are a couple of cabins and limited campsite, all near a fast flowing river. the footbridge over the river canyon leads to walking/hiking trails. This is not a park area but enters into wild narrow mountain valleys.

michael-craige hat das Bild Spahats falls hochgeladen

One of the most interesting falls to experience. Very shear cliffs and a sharp drop to the valley below. It is worth every pixel.

michael-craige hat das Bild Golden Valley hochgeladen

A landscape of a Rocky Mountain valley in black & white. Late fall and snow clouds are appearing.

michael-craige hat das Bild December Mount hochgeladen

Deeply into December the sun is low and winter clouds are gathering in the evening.

michael-craige hat das Bild Fireline hochgeladen

Fire spinning and late night make for an interesting picture. A little extra work it blends well into a picture.

michael-craige hat das Bild High Country Winter hochgeladen

Late fall in the mountains brings the first snows.

michael-craige hat das Bild Bodyscape & Moon hochgeladen

Bodyscaping is interesting black & white photography. Moonlight seemed a natural to higher contrast views.

michael-craige hat das Bild Fashion Rules hochgeladen

Much of fashion is appearance and it appears we view the results without the creative process on display.

michael-craige hat das Bild dark dream hochgeladen

Sometimes pictures should leave the image up to us.

michael-craige hat das Bild Morning SeaLight hochgeladen

Before the moment of sunrise with some light cloud, the sea takes on a vague kind of light. Changing this to a photo painting looked interesting since it is the picture in our mind that we remember.

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