Mark Llewellyn

Mark Llewellyn

Mark Llewellyn LSWPP, LNPS

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Mark Llewellyn hat das Bild Oxford Skyline hochgeladen

View of the Oxford rooftops

Mark Llewellyn hat das Bild St Swithins Church hochgeladen

St Swithins Church in Combe, Berkshire

Mark Llewellyn hat das Bild North Wessex Downs hochgeladen

The North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) is located in the English counties of Berkshire, Hampshire, Oxfordshire and Wiltshire. The name North Wessex Downs is not a traditional one, the area covered being better known by various local names, including the Berkshire Downs, the White Horse Hills, the Lambourn Downs, the Marlborough Downs, the Vale of Pewsey and Savernake Forest.

Mark Llewellyn hat das Bild Peregrine Falcon hochgeladen

The Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus), also known as the Peregrine, and historically as the Duck Hawk in North America, is a widespread bird of prey in the family Falconidae. A large, crow-sized falcon, it has a blue-grey back, barred white underparts, and a black head and moustache.

Mark Llewellyn hat das Bild Snowy Owl hochgeladen

The Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) is a large white bird of the typical owl family Strigidae.

Mark Llewellyn hat das Bild Peregrine Falcon hochgeladen

The Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus), also known as the Peregrine, and historically as the Duck Hawk in North America, is a widespread bird of prey in the family Falconidae. A large, crow-sized falcon, it has a blue-grey back, barred white underparts, and a black head and moustache.

Mark Llewellyn hat das Bild Michaelmas Daisies hochgeladen

Michaelmas daisies are a plant of the genus Aster and are found in many different colours.

Mark Llewellyn hat das Bild Tarbert in Scotland hochgeladen

Tarbert in Kintyre, Argyll is an old, historically important fishing village, beautifully located mainly around its land-locked bay.

Mark Llewellyn hat das Bild Crinan Harbour hochgeladen

Crinan is a small village located on the west coast of Scotland in the region known as Knapdale, which is part of Argyll. The Crinan Canal starts at Ardrishaig on Loch Fyne, and ends nine miles away at Crinan on the Sound of Jura. It was designed to provide a quick link between the west coast and islands at one end and the Clyde estuary at the other, and so avoid the long voyage around the south end of the Kintyre Peninsula.

Mark Llewellyn hat das Bild Crinan Harbour hochgeladen

Crinan is a small village located on the west coast of Scotland in the region known as Knapdale, which is part of Argyll. The Crinan Canal starts at Ardrishaig on Loch Fyne, and ends nine miles away at Crinan on the Sound of Jura. It was designed to provide a quick link between the west coast and islands at one end and the Clyde estuary at the other, and so avoid the long voyage around the south end of the Kintyre Peninsula.

Hello, I am Melody Yiu, a Illustration Lover

Born in Los Angeles, California, Dayle Ann Clavin studied music in Salzburg, taught flute at the Landesmusikschulwerk Upper Austria and performed chamber music.

Several Images appeared in the book "Von der Idee zum Bild" by Martin Sigrist, Laterna Magica in 2000, And over the 1990’s many images published in ‘Photographie” magazine.

2001 graduated with honors in fine art photography at the Prager, Fotoschule, Schloss Weinburg, Kefermarkt, Upper Austria.

In 2002 Gallery of Photography in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, "Texas Fotofest Discoveries 2002".

In 2003/2004 portfolio of Dance and the Soul , "La Fotografia Actual", Barcelona, Spain.

In February 2004 winner Pontos de Vista, , under the title "Self Portrait".

In June2004 first prize International Photography competition of the San Diego County Fair.
Additional special first prize awarded by the San Diego Artists Guild.

In July 2004, first prize in the International competition virtual*visual 'Women in Photography International', USA.

In October 2004, first prize, Pontos de Vistas competition The Decisive Moment.

November 2004 Nominee, Spider Awards.

2005 International competition honorable mention in 'The Decisive Moment', Women in Photography International, US

In October 2005, honorable mention in the fine art portrait, 2005 International Photography Award "Lucie Awards".

In September 2005, Book publication of “Dance and the Soul” Imschoot Publishing Company Ghent, Belgium.

The Spider Awards 2005, nominee in Architecture

July 2006, first prize in the Pontos de Vista photography competition of Lissabon with the theme “Eroticism”.

In September 2006 her image was one of the best 100 images selected out of 3000 entrees by Hugh Davies, curator of the Museum for Modern Art, San Diego, California, to take part in the exhibition “The Art of Digital Show” Lyceum Theatre Gallery, San Diego, California.

In November 2006, she received two nominations in the Black and White Spider Awards, Los Angeles California.

In 2007 her work was included in the book” The Worlds greatest Black and White Photography, Vol.1”, a collection of photographs from Black and white Spider Awards. In the same year she was once again a Nominee in the Spider Awards.

Mai 2008 first prize winner in Prix de la Photographie Paris .

In the same year she was a nominee in the Black and White Spider Awards Photography competition.

In June of 2009 she won first place in the International Photography Competition organized by the San Diego County Fair.

In 2010 she was awarded 2nd Place in PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris , category Self-Portrait of the People`s Choice Awards.

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