Olivier Heimana

Olivier Heimana

« To photograph: it is to put on the same line of sight the head, the eye and the heart.”
Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004)

Broadly self-taught — after rudiments acquired from my father — I like to seize all moments, exercising my eye and mind to capture those fleeting instants of light and time, which make a photograph.
To photograph, keeping an amused eye on the world around us, and (re)find beauty in all things.

I gained valuable experience in press coverages and events while working for Belga Agency (belga.be) and Demotix (demotix.com)

I see photography as a gateway to reach out to people, meet them and approach their culture. If I have experienced with different styles of photography, the one that attracts me the most is documentary: social, close to people, be it at home in Belgium, or around the world.

I am currently based in the Verdon Canyon, South-Esat France and working on various personal projects.

Alle Bilder von Olivier Heimana (2 Bilder)

Bilder pro Seite:  24 | 48 | 96
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