Peter Valente

Peter Valente

I'm a middle aged balding pensions specialist who didn't follow his dreams when he was young! (so bitter!)

I really wanted to be a graphic artist and produce works for peoples homes that they would'nt have to take a second mortgage to commission me!

I studied Design and Typo in edinburgh just as the computer revolution took hold so i have a solid Arts background.

I'm self taught on Adobe Illustratior Photoshop In design and Dreamweaver, still getting the hang of Flash though.

From my gallery you can see that I love nature, but also it's jusxaposition with the built environment. I take most of my images from photographs I've taken myself.

One day I would love to open a gallery/gift shop/print studio/ and cafe in Auchtermucty in Fife.

Alle Bilder von Peter Valente (4 Bilder)

Bilder pro Seite:  24 | 48 | 96
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