Ralf Rosendahl

Ralf Rosendahl

Ralf Rosendahl is a semi-professional photographer from Germany. It photographs sideline for the Munich picture agency SUPERBILD / your photo today


Ralf Rosendahl ist ein semiprofessioneller Photograf aus Deutschland. Er photografiert nebenberuflich für die Münchener Bildagentur SUPERBILD / your photo today


About > Activities

The Default Condition of life is "Beauty".
As Light spills over the world and then back to us, our experience is of "Beauty".
My job is not difficult, ...... Isolate and capture fragments of this inexhaustible resource.

It is as if every stone were a Diamond.

My name is Paul Lemke, ...... US landscapes and places are my subjects, ...... Enjoy, ......

An illustrator and pastry lion living in Portland, Oregon.

Follow me on the twitter machine! http://twitter.com/TheLittleCanoe

Ralf Rosendahl hat das Bild schlafender Drache hochgeladen

BRD, RLP, Wald, Fels, Natur, Bäume, grün, braun

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