Sona  Sahakian

Sona Sahakian

Sona Sahakian (1996) is a visual artist based in the Hague, the Netherlands. She graduated from the department Fine Arts at the Royal Academy of the Arts , The Hague. Her works consist of paintings, drawings, collages, photographs , installations and films (video art). In recent years she has participated in various groups exhibitions and projects.

Her works are about the search for an inner experience of time, where memories are made experienceable in the shape of fixation and transformation. She strives for a fusion of past and present , which creates a dynamic and timeless dimension. The transience, the cycle of human existence - life, death and rebirth - plays an important role in this; this transforms our reality and strengthens our human consciousness. In her art she wants to stimulate people's imagination and sensory experiences in which the traces of the past are revived in the present, which remains anchored in her memory and thus enriches her personal history. In this way she wants to inspire people to make an inner journey by really feeling and discovering for themselves what the treasury of their existence is.

About > Activities

Sona Sahakian folgt jetzt Kevin Ng

Having previously only dabbled in photography and more so because the camera always seemed to be such a cool "toy", I have now come to discover just what a wonderful, emotive medium photography can really be and so I have dove in (again) head first - this time though it isnt just because the camera is such a cool "toy"!!

...aus der Schweiz, in der Nähe von Thun

Winner Px3 (2014) - Prix de la Photographie Paris mit "Zero" - Category Non-Professional Fine Art Architektur

Peter Bundrück -

Reise- und Landschaftsfotografie - --

Reisen und Fotografieren sind und waren schon immer seine Leidenschaft. ---

Bereits als Kind – in den 60er Jahren – bereiste er im VW-Käfer die Türkei.
Ab Ende der 70er Jahre erkundete er dann nach und nach den gesamten europäischen Mittelmeerraum. Die sogenannte „ Ritsch-Ratsch-Klick“ war damals immer mit dabei.

Von da an erweiterte er kontinuierlich seinen Radius und seine fotografischen Fähigkeiten.

Seine Reisen dehnten sich immer mehr aus.
Mit dem Rucksack reiste er durch Süd-Ost-Asien, unter anderem die Malediven, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Burma, Laos, Kambodscha, Malaysia, Borneo und immer wieder Indonesien, das er bis zu den östlichsten Inseln des Solor Archipels erkundete.

Seinem einfachen und ursprünglichen Reisestil ist er treu geblieben, nicht aber seiner Fotoausrüstung.
Nach diversen Modellwechseln ist er bei Canon 5D MK2 und Olympus E-510 als Reisekamera angekommen.

In den letzten Jahren erweiterte er seine künstlerischen Erfahrungen und beschäftigt sich zunehmend mit der Acrylmalerei, sowie Land/Nature – Art – Projekten.

Sona Sahakian folgt jetzt kiwar

"Kunst wäscht den Staub des Alltags von der Seele." (Pablo Picasso).
Willkommen in meiner Welt :) KiWar

I'm a photographer and a passionate traveler.
In the last 12 years I've visited many countries around the world, yet I always come back home to Israel, where I live.
My main interest is in street photography and the "Decisive Moment".
Wondering the streets, looking for different perspective of reality, is something to live for.

Hope you enjoy my work,

I graduated the Arts Department at the UWM (university) in Olsztyn, north-eastern Poland. After joining the School of Photography in the UK in 2004 I recieved the title of Dip. Pro. Photo (Inst. P. Photo)
In recent years a number of my photos and articles have been published by photography-dedicated magazines with several dozens of pictures receiving prizes and honorary mentions. For several years I have had the honour and pleasure to work with Polish musicians and theatre actors not only as a photographer, but also as a graphic designer working on albums and CDs and DVDs.
My work has been on display several times at individual and collective exhibitions.

I have no favourite field of photography. I am testing my skills on a number of subjects with some of them. Macrophotography, The Art of Water or Portraits, attracting my attention for a longer time. In free time I used to draw faces.

© All work is copyright and protected. Unauthorized usage, duplication, download, production or reproduction without prior written consent is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved 2007 – 2018.

"Kunst gibt nicht das Sichtbare wieder, sondern Kunst macht sichtbar." --------
Paul Klee ( 1879-1940) deutscher Maler und Graphiker / ---------------- wie schon Auguste Renoir ( 1841-1919) sagte:" Das einzige Lob, welches man einem Künstler erweisen sollte, ist, seine Werke zu kaufen ." :-)

Fotografie ist bei mir zu einer Leidenschaft geworden.
Ich stelle hier einfach mal eine Auswahl meiner Bilder ein vielleicht gefallen sie euch.

Meine anderen Bilder sind hier zu finden:

Sona Sahakian folgt jetzt Rike Beck

Hello everyone,
thank you for your interest and welcome to my gallery!
I greatly appreciate your visits and comments.

I am a young artist from Berlin. For news feel free to visit me on
My artwork comprises collage & drawing, paintings and conceptual designs for textile identities as well as their practical realization. I am influenced by many things as music, books, theatre and all the ordinary things around. If you like my artwork you can find more of them and further information about me at

I'm a California based photographer. My photography reveals the effect of human occupation within the landscape of contemporary environments. My pictures are made to document a time and a place, static treatments of our everyday modern urban landscape. These anonymous, sometimes featureless structures and locations exclude people but at the same time show the effect of human occupation and interaction.

I am a writer and print designer, I love typography, and I adore surprising photography.

Ich komme aus München und lebe auch hier.
Umgeben von Bergen liebe ich das Meer.

Grenzgänger zwischen Land und Stadt.

instant photography gives me the chance to tell you stories.

Photos tell stories!
Photos capture the essence of a situation in two dimensions!
Photos sharpen our senses!
Photos are simply a balm for the soul!

With our pictures we want to bring the beauty and expressiveness of animals into the foreground, showing that sentient beings are hidden behind them. Our fellow creatures feel pleasure and affection as well as fear and sadness. We love nature and just want to protect them. For us, our photos are currently the most effective means to make it clear how important the environment is – every contribution, even the smallest, can ensure the survival of our fantastic fellow creatures and our environment!

In short: We see photography as our contribution to presenting the beauty of nature – but from our point of view :o).

Fotos erzählen Geschichten!
Fotos erfassen in zwei Dimensionen das Wesentliche einer Situation!
Fotos schärfen unsere Sinne!
Fotos sind einfach Balsam für die Seele :o)!

Mit unseren Bildern möchten wir die Schönheit und Ausdrucksstärke der Tiere in den Vordergrund stellen und zeigen, dass sich dahinter empfindsame Wesen verbergen. Unsere Mitgeschöpfe spüren Freude und Zuneigung ebenso wie Angst und Trauer. Wir lieben die Natur und möchten sie einfach schützen. Für uns sind unsere Bilder derzeit das wirksamste Mittel, um klar zumachen, wie wichtig Umweltschutz ist – jeder auch nur kleinste Beitrag kann das Überleben unserer phantastischen Mitgeschöpfe und unserer Umwelt sichern!

Ganz kurz gefasst: Unsere Tierbilder sind unser Anteil daran, die Schönheit der Natur zu präsentieren – jedoch aus unserer Sicht der Dinge ;o).

German fine art photographer and filmmaker living in Cape Town, South Africa
Travels a lot.

Sona Sahakian folgt jetzt Ju Ulvoas

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