Steve De Neef

Steve De Neef

Steve De Neef specializes in underwater, nature and conservation photography, workshops and stories on these topics. Born in Belgium, it didn’t take Steve long to start travelling and experience the beauty our planet has to offer. His love for the oceans and seas soon led him underwater and ever since he has been fascinated with sharing the beauty our blue planet has to offer. Photography soon became part of all the travel and is now a passion on its own. Light, color and composition play a very important role in all of his images above and below the surface.

Currently Steve is residing in the Philippines photographing this beautiful country while sharing his knowledge of photography and nature through his images, workshops and writings.

Steve is a regular contributor to, blogs for the Sea First Foundation and

His images have won awards in competitions like: Nature's best Ocean views, Beneath the Sea, Ocean Art, and more.

Alle Bilder von Steve De Neef (10 Bilder)

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