Weston Baker

Weston Baker

Weston Baker is a graphic designer, photographer and architectural designer in New York City.


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Weston Baker hat das Bild Castel Sant Angelo hochgeladen

This is a mixed medium piece that was done with a base photograph printed at a large scale and then completed at the actual site in Rome with paint, pen, pencil, water, charcoal, etc. The collage was done by layering different perspectives on top of each other with different mediums.

Weston Baker hat das Bild Coloseo hochgeladen

This is a mixed medium piece that was done with a base photograph printed at a large scale and then completed at the actual site in Rome with paint, pen, pencil, water, charcoal, etc. The collage was done by layering different perspectives on top of each other with different mediums.

Weston Baker hat das Bild Theater of Marcellus hochgeladen

This is a mixed medium piece that was done with a base photograph printed at a large scale and then completed at the actual site in Rome with paint, pen, pencil, water, charcoal, etc. The collage was done by layering different perspectives on top of each other with different mediums.

Weston Baker hat das Bild Temple of Hercules hochgeladen

This is a mixed medium piece that was done with a base photograph printed at a large scale and then completed at the actual site in Rome with paint, pen, pencil, water, charcoal, etc. The collage was done by layering different perspectives on top of each other with different mediums.

Weston Baker hat das Bild Pantheon hochgeladen

This is a mixed medium piece that was done with a base photograph printed at a large scale and then completed at the actual site in Rome with paint, pen, pencil, water, charcoal, etc. The collage was done by layering different perspectives on top of each other with different mediums.

Weston Baker hat das Bild Metamorphosis hochgeladen

If you look a little closer you'll notice that the image of butterflies is really created with sneakers. I've always had an obsession with shoes and fashion and this art piece celebrates the liberating expression of fashion and design. The image also has somewhat of a "I believe I can fly" inspiration behind it.

Weston Baker hat das Bild Castel Sant Angelo hochgeladen

This is a mixed medium piece that was done with a base photograph printed at a large scale and then completed at the actual site in Rome with paint, pen, pencil, water, charcoal, etc. The collage was done by layering different perspectives on top of each other with different mediums.

Weston Baker hat das Bild Temple of Hercules hochgeladen

This is a mixed medium piece that was done with a base photograph printed at a large scale and then completed at the actual site in Rome with paint, pen, pencil, water, charcoal, etc. The collage was done by layering different perspectives on top of each other with different mediums.

Weston Baker hat das Bild Coloseo hochgeladen

This is a mixed medium piece that was done with a base photograph printed at a large scale and then completed at the actual site in Rome with paint, pen, pencil, water, charcoal, etc. The collage was done by layering different perspectives on top of each other with different mediums.

Weston Baker hat das Bild Theater of Marcellus hochgeladen

This is a mixed medium piece that was done with a base photograph printed at a large scale and then completed at the actual site in Rome with paint, pen, pencil, water, charcoal, etc. The collage was done by layering different perspectives on top of each other with different mediums.

Weston Baker hat das Bild Termini Station hochgeladen

This is a mixed medium piece that was done with a base photograph printed at a large scale and then completed at the actual site in Rome with paint, pen, pencil, water, charcoal, etc. The collage was done by layering different perspectives on top of each other with different mediums.

Weston Baker hat das Bild Pantheon hochgeladen

This is a mixed medium piece that was done with a base photograph printed at a large scale and then completed at the actual site in Rome with paint, pen, pencil, water, etc. The collage was done by layering different perspectives on top of each other with different mediums.

Founder & CEO of ARTFLAKES. Likes awesome photography.

Weston Baker hat das Bild Enchanted Valley hochgeladen

This photo was taken in the Enchanted Valley in the Olympic National Rainforest. Black and white film.

Weston Baker hat das Bild Enchanted Valley hochgeladen

This photo was taken in the Enchanted Valley in the Olympic National Rainforest. Black and white film.

Weston Baker hat das Bild Pacific Beach hochgeladen

This photo was taken in winter on the Pacific Coast in Washington State. Black and white film.

Weston Baker hat das Bild Backlit Rainforest hochgeladen

This photo was taken in the Olympic National Rainforest. Black and white film.

Weston Baker hat das Bild Driftwood hochgeladen

This photo was taken at the Pacific Ocean in winter. Black and white film.

Weston Baker hat das Bild Enchanted Valley hochgeladen

This photo is taken in a small area called the Enchanted Valley in the Olympic National Rainforest. This is the most majestic place I've ever seen. The morning rainforest dew froze in crystalline form on every surface of these trees. Black and white film.

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