

Nicht die Kamera macht das Bild - sondern das Auge!

Der Photoshop-Künstler Xomi hat heute seine anfängliche Leidenschaft für Fotografie und Bildbearbeitung zum Hauptberuf gemacht. Ursprünglich in der Marktforschungsbranche tätig übernimmt er heute die digitale Postproduktion für Fotografen und Agenturen. Das Spektrum des Autodidakten reicht hierbei von klassischer Beautyretusche bis hin zu verschiedenen Fashion-Looks oder verträumter Märchenretusche. Auf einen bestimmten Stil will er sich nicht festlegen. Ihn fasziniert die Gesamtheit der Möglichkeiten, die ihm mit digitaler Bildbearbeitung zur Verfügung stehen. Seine Arbeiten finden sich immer wieder in verschiedenen Fachmagazinen, wie Digital-Photo und DOCMA oder Galerien zeitgenössicher Kunst.

About > Activities

xomi folgt jetzt inaa

~ visual artist
~ photographer
~ writer

Like me: https://www.facebook.com/VIAINA

Russian Artist,born in Ukraine. Currently living and working in United States.Exhibiting and selling art in USA,Europe and Asia.

xomi folgt jetzt Peter Benkmann

Lust auf Leben -
Fotos aus sinnlichem Erleben -
laut und leise -
sinnig und hintersinnig -
Hingabe und Reflektion -
Lust und Wonne -
Schmerz und Schrei -
normal und jenseits des Gewohnten -
mit Lust und Freude -

Our love for traveling started more more than twenty years ago in a plane somewhere in the skies of South America when a man showed us his passport stamped in several Antarctic scientific bases. We immediately decided to go there. That was the beginning of numerous adventurous trips to many remote parts of the world.
Our pictures appear on a regular basis on the UNESCO World Heritage website as well as on brochures and exhibitions related to conservation.
Since 2005, we switched to digital photography and attended many workshops.

G & M Therin-Weise

xomi folgt jetzt Melissa Salter

MyVisualCreation is inspired by artists who seek more of everyday life by way of creative freedom and internal vision. MyVisualCreation's philosophy is also to inspire others to channel ideas through creative power of imagination and translate their message through photography. It is connecting the gap between artists and media. At MyVisualCreation, we strive to differentiate ourselves through the creative process that allows for true expression to materialize. Melissa Salter is a graduate from Brooks Institute of Photography.

xomi folgt jetzt harald-j-braun

Munich based Photographer and Sculptor,
www.harald-j-braun.de, Harald J Braun Photography - on facebook

xomi folgt jetzt Niyazi GENCA

Hello. My name is Niyazi. I live and work in Istanbul. I started as a hobby became a little more serious when started a photoblog one years ago.

I try to take different subject, as often as I can and these will usually be captured in Istanbul. Istanbul is an old old city, you can see the remains of many ancient civilizations and their culture in harmony with Turkish culture. The old versus the new, the traditional versus the modern is a conflict a visitor often observes.

xomi folgt jetzt Miho Birimisa

I started taking pictures in my spare time. What started as simple picture taking ended up in something I took more seriously over time. More seriously in terms of preparation, picture shooting, and post processing.

Picture-wise I do not have a particular focus. However, many of my pictures reflect impressions I gather from various trips around the world.

xomi folgt jetzt Claudia Drossert

Frau Bella – Lichtgedichte der Natur

...ist das gemalt oder fotografiert?

Das ist eine Frage, die ich im Zusammenhang mit meiner Arbeiten oft höre und liebe. Meine Bilder sind alle fotografiert. Sie werden von mir so in Szene gesetzt und unter Verwendung neuster Bildbearbeitungsprogramme bearbeitet, das man sich nicht sicher sein kann, ob es sich um Fotografien oder Gemälde handelt.

Meine Passion sind Stillleben, die ich je nach Stimmung in Bilder verwandle, bis sie zum Teil einen fast surrealen Charakter bekommen. Natürlich achte ich darauf, dass die Natürlichkeit der einzelnen Motive erhalten bleibt. Das ist mir sehr wichtig, denn unsere Natur bietet so viel Schönes, dass ich festhalten und bewahren möchte.

xomi folgt jetzt Oliver Wiegner

Having grown up in the west part of Germany, i studied Communication Design in Würzburg and spent one semester at an advertising agency in New York. After this i decided to move on to Berlin and founded the studio Ice Cream For Free.
Specialising in the interlacing of contrasting materials via collage, my work has been used by the likes of Adidas, Wired Magazine, Computer Arts as well as various clubs, djs and musicians.

xomi folgt jetzt Scott Oppenheim

Scott Oppenheim is an interactive designer living and working in Washington, D.C. When he is not busy designing interactive experiences for the web, he enjoys creating generative art as a hobby. He primarily uses Adobe's Flash, Illustrator, and Photoshop to create his art.

xomi folgt jetzt Jess Gibbs

Coast. Snow. Travel. Lifestyle. Beautiful Places.

xomi folgt jetzt Paul Lemke

The Default Condition of life is "Beauty".
As Light spills over the world and then back to us, our experience is of "Beauty".
My job is not difficult, ...... Isolate and capture fragments of this inexhaustible resource.

It is as if every stone were a Diamond.

My name is Paul Lemke, ...... US landscapes and places are my subjects, ...... Enjoy, ......

xomi folgt jetzt Michael Schickert

I'm mostly focused on architecture and landscapes up to now and within on colors and structures. What really impresses me is the impressionist feel you can get from motion blur.
More photos on:

And if you like electronic music, check "my" House project:

xomi folgt jetzt Geoffrey Agrons

The uneasy coexistence between human populations and the natural world interests me as a photographer. I lived for many years in coastal southern New Jersey, where I was drawn aesthetically to the ordered pilings, decaying buildings and piers, dune fences, structural debris, and kitsch of my seaside town. Deeply influenced by Michael Kenna’s work, I came to favor long exposures in low light as I examined the interaction between wind, waves, salt, and the human footprint. I recently relocated to the San Francisco Bay area, where I look forward to exploring my new environment. I am particularly intrigued by the ambiguous quality of everyday objects encountered at the water’s edge between twilight and dawn, and the tension between the elements and human expectations of permanence and control. I have come to think of the images as "melancholigraphs".

xomi folgt jetzt Jens Uhlenbusch

Landschaftsarchitekt, Hobbyfotograf und Hobbymusiker

xomi folgt jetzt Thomas Schaefer

Grafiker und Fotodesigner.
Interessen: Fotografie, Mythologie, Anthropologie.
Fotografieren ist für mich Entdecken und gleichzeitig Meditation über die Welt. Bevorzugte Motive: Dramatische Landschaftsaufnahmen und Bekanntes aus ungewöhnlichem Blickwinkeln "geschossen".
Was mir immer wieder auffällt: Ein gutes Foto kann fast wie ein Gedicht gelesen werden.
Kamera: zur Zeit Nikon D90.
Wohnort: Bremen.
Alter: Schon ein paar graue Härchen :-)
Geplante Foto-Reise: Westen der USA.
Ich freue mich über Eure Rückmeldungen zu meinen Werken!

xomi folgt jetzt kata

Hi! My name is Kotryna, aka KATA. I am developing my small illustration business KATA KIOSK and you can see how it goes at www.katakiosk.lt , also you can take a look to my professional portfolio at www.kata-illustration.com, or blog at www.kata-illustration.blogspot.com

I'm looking for a Representative for editorial commissions for British/European/North America market and you can contact me at katrez (@) gmail.com

xomi folgt jetzt Eva Stadler

I am a journalist, editor and project manager, I love design and typology,
and I adore surprising photography.
www.eva-stadler.de // www.ef-hochzeitsreportagen.de

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