

aus der Galerie von Sohaj Singh Brar
Über dieses Bild:

-pictured an aged middle class man
Tried to show the feelings like anxiety, apprehension, fear of reality of life (which this world had left)... and now at this age, what will it provide!
-he once tried to be an innocent and obeying son, a best man for his wife ,a caring dad and did every possible thing for his family..still quite alone..none to care for him.. no society member,no friend not even his "own family".

-I am not sure that I am done with this work but at this time i have no desire to sit at this one again..
-Used 2H,4B,6B,8B lead pencils, eraser,cotton and took me approximately 28 hrs to complete.

Bildnummer: 571de30
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