
„Blue Autumn“

aus der Galerie von eloiseart
Über dieses Bild:

As summer morphs into autumn, the leaves on the trees begin to turn shades of rust, gold, and orange, brilliant in their transformation. But that is just the beginning! Fall winds blow the grass, the blades bending for the first time since spring breezes relented to the stillness of July.
The air is heavy with the anticipation of a weather change, the new season testing its strength with a preview of days to come. A blue haze fits snugly over the scene, much like the sweaters that will soon be drawn from drawers as sleeveless shirts and shorts are packed away for a season. Blue Autumn.
This piece was created using a combination of paint brushes and palette knives, ultimately adhering to an impasto technique, where paint is applied with a palette knife. In this instance, the sky and fence were brushed onto the canvas and allowed to dry. Then the tree leaves and much of the grass were added by palette knife, one dollop of paint at a time. New layers of color are built on previous ones and can only be applied when the first ones have completely dried, making the impasto process a timely one. However, the result is a wonderful sense of depth, well worth the time and trouble.

Bildnummer: 7ab982b
leddermann gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2014-08-20 17:29:56 UTC
Juergen Seidt gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2014-06-29 19:35:25 UTC
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