

aus der Galerie von barbara orenya
Über dieses Bild:

Catfairy remind us that not everything needs to be done for a specific purpose ... to live and relax, take care of our feelings and be in tune with them is also a way of being that need not to be justified...
Coming into the world is the best reason ever to exist, no need to have to permanently justify our living

Bildnummer: 54b5ce3
Erwin Lorenzen gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2013-12-12 12:06:48 UTC
Heidrun Carola Herrmann gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2013-08-29 20:54:05 UTC
fraenks gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2013-07-21 17:31:24 UTC
Frank Siegling gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2013-07-19 19:29:17 UTC
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