
„Church of the Assumption of Mary in Bossost - Portal “

aus der Galerie von RicardMN Photography
Über dieses Bild:

The Church of the Assumption of Mary is an extraordinary Bossost Romanesque church of the Val d'Aran, probably the best in the whole region, thanks to the balance of its architecture and especially the rich iconographic features.
The Assumption of Mary Bossost has three naves and three apses with arcs and Lombard lesen. Besides a beautiful Romanesque bell tower tops the overall picture of the building.
The covers are very interesting and complete. The southern blanket under her large pointed archivolts Trinity Crismon in your eardrum, while the northern, more complete and interesting, offering another set of lintel and tympanum with other Crismon a ruthless and expressive and Tetramorph Pantocrator surrounded, in turn, by the moon and sun.

Bildnummer: c36a27c
RicardMN Photography 2013-02-01 08:57:36 UTC
(Künstler des Bildes)
Thanks for your like, Barbara!
RicardMN Photography 2013-01-30 17:09:31 UTC
(Künstler des Bildes)
Thanks for liking, Günter!
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