
„Journey to the Center“

aus der Galerie von Kevin Chasing Wolf Hutchins
Über dieses Bild:

48"x24"x1" Acrylic on boxed masonite

"My attention was drawn into the indigo night sky to what seemed to be a full moon surrounded at the four cardinal points by golden rings. The ring in the east had two gold beads on the west side of the ring. As I gazed in wonder a voice coming from inside of me whispered, "This has to do with the energy of the pyramid.".
Then another celestial event caught my eye. I saw what I "knew" as a Living Spiral and I saw myself sitting in a meditative position on the second rung of the spiral.
My gaze was once more pulled to another compelling scene. I was now standing on a beach at the edge of a star blanketed ocean. Three dolphin standing upright on top of the water on their tale fins were beckoning me to join them in their watery home.
In an instant I was swimming along side one of the dolphin as he led me to a hole in the bottom of the ocean floor. He swam through and I followed, hesitating for a moment at the site of the big blue spider in the entrance then continued through the hole.
My finned friend and I came to a bright silvery white light in an ocean of sparkling blue that I "knew" as "my center". The dolphin turned to me and spoke. "We (the dolphins) will help you to move beyond the fear that surrounds your center and move into the core of who you are."

Bildnummer: 85bbdb7
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