
„Mood Dolls “

aus der Galerie von florin
Über dieses Bild:

Mood Dolls, collage 2012

Bildnummer: a8421d4
Nanni Harbordt gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2016-09-01 08:16:11 UTC
Gelöschte Person 2012-11-27 16:32:43 UTC
Very interesting blue eyed dolls, playing again? Lol :-)) Love to hear the thoughts behind the creation of this one...
florin 2012-11-27 17:30:34 UTC
(Künstler des Bildes)
A collection of dolls, about 30 years old, in owning my old friends. These dolls seem to lead their own life there...
Gelöschte Person 2012-11-27 17:37:16 UTC
Yes it is true about old friends and leading there own lives, often forgotten in the rush of life. Looking forward to seeing you again my friend, I don't want to be forgotten and I don't want to forget about you either... When can you come to Canada?
Aniko Hencz gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2012-11-27 08:51:37 UTC
Thomas Brandt gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2012-11-26 15:46:20 UTC
Susanna Badau gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2012-11-26 15:22:00 UTC
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