Adolfo Arranz

Adolfo Arranz

I am a graphics journalist from Spain and based in Hong Kong. And my passion is drawing and painting, and here you can find some of my work, many done outdoors on-site, some are studio work, and some are illustrations. I hope you like it.

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Adolfo Arranz hat das Bild Kowloon Walled Park hochgeladen

Watercolour and sepia ink on location

Adolfo Arranz hat das Bild Chi Lin Nunnery hochgeladen

Watercolour and ink on location

Adolfo Arranz hat das Bild Boats on Yau Tong hochgeladen

Live sketch. Watercolour and sepia ink

Adolfo Arranz hat das Bild Old house hochgeladen

Old house in Guardo, Spain. Watercolour and ink

Adolfo Arranz hat das Bild The Bounty hochgeladen

Drawing on location in Hong Kong. A reply to the famous ship "the Bounty". Watercolour and sepia ink.

Drawing on location in a busy street in Hong Kong, the wet market in Chun Yeung Street, North Point, Hong Kong.

On-location drawing at the tram terminus in North Point in Hong Kong. Watercolour and Indian ink.

Adolfo Arranz hat das Bild Tai O village hochgeladen

Plein air location watercolour and ink at the fisher's village of Tai O in Lantau Island, Hong Kong

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